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any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:15 pm
by tnmoore
Wondering if any adult has had the tendon lengthening in their elbow. If yes how many degrees did you gain from it, who did it, and were there any complications-such as nerve damage or loss of flexion? Nicole

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:16 am
by clover80
Hi Nicole,

I just barely had it done last week (August 29th). Dr. Nath in Houston performed the surgery. He straightened my arm about 20 degrees during surgery and the remaining 20 degree contracture will be straightened through serial casting over the next 10 weeks.

Let me know if you have any more questions... I don't log onto this site very frequently.

Staci (26) -SLC

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:26 am
by Carolyn J
Congratulations Stacy!!
I'm glad you posted & let us all know how your surgery went.
Take it easy and have a good recovery time,OK?

HUGS all around & Camp2007 or Bust!,
Carolyn J

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:57 pm
by Kath
Wow... that is great news!

Let us know how the casting works out.

Kath (adult/robpi)

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:25 pm
by admin
I love how much support is on this website. 3 weeks down and 7 more to go with my arm in a cast. My cute pink one (props to Dr. Nath and his team- and inspired by my painted fingernails) came off yesterday and a new one put right back on. I had fears of mold growing under my cast, but after the unveiling, all my worries pretty much went away. I did however get kind of a weak stomach when my OT was stretching my arm and re-casting it. But all is well and my only complaint is a burning sensation in my good shoulder/neck area. I imagine from over-compensation with the weight of the cast. Heat and massages are helping that :)

My arm is getting straighter and I can lift it much higher -now that my bicep is being prevented from trying to do all the work.

Good times

Staci (26)


Nancy just sent me a bunch of Outreach brochures - they are wonderful and I am so excited to meet people next year at camp! A whole year away- I can hardly wait.

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:30 pm
by hope16_05
Sounds like all is going well after your surgery, thats great news!

Funny you mention that you got a weak stomach after you got your cast off. Every time I get a cast off I get extremely light headed and all goes black, but only for a moment. Still have no idea why, last time I think my cast was off for probably a half hour before I got light headed. The first time it was only a matter of minutes. Its strange.

Do you mind if I ask what the purpose behind your surgery was? Like what were you expecting to gain from this surgery. I really know nothing about it and am always curious to learn. Were your biceps over powering your triceps?

Hope the rest of your recovery goes awesome! And you are not in any pain.

Maybe I will be able to meet you at the next camp, I went last year and have to go next year, its really cool!

Amy 19 ROBPI from MN

Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:03 am
by admin
Hi Amy,

The reason I had surgery is because of a contracture.. yeah basically because my bicep has been overcompensating for my weak tricep, etc. When I tried to lift my arm, I would only get to about 60 degrees before my bicep would kick in and try and lift my arm. Already with my cast on I can lift my arm so much higher. I need to have my OT measure me, but I'm well over 90 degrees. Before my Mod Quad surgery in January I could only actively lift it about 30 degrees. So, it's really exciting.

And another reason, my right arm was several inches shorter than my left when I had my arms down to my side. So it will nice not having to re-position my arms for pictures, etc. if you know what I mean.

It's funny because everyone I come in contact with is always like, "your poor arm, what happened?" I have to explain my injury because nobody even knew there was anything wrong to begin with. People just expect me to say I had a water skiing accident or somthing. So, they are shocked when I tell them the story behind the cast.

Thanks for taking an interest... I know you are a very busy college student.


Re: any adult had the tendon lengthening surgery?

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 12:51 pm
by hope16_05
I definitely know the feeling of having to explain to every one about a cast, last year I came to college with a splint on that I had to wear all the time except shower. Or risk losing the outcome of my surgery all because I was in a wrong splint for a week post cast removal. It sucked. I think I did tell about 1000 people about bpi's though

Your recovery sounds awesome! Keep up the great work, a lot more should come with therapy. Good Luck!!

Amy 19 ROBPI from MN

oh and thanks for explaining what your surgery was for. I am always looking for something else for my arm, but it doesnt sound like I would benefit from that surgery. Glad you are though!