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Chronic Pain Study

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 5:46 pm
by msthomas
A lady in my church is doing research on effects of chronic pain in a family. I hope that some of you will take the time to fill this out or have your family fill it out. I think the results could help us all by bringing to peoples attention how much our families have suffered along with us.
The site is
I plan to use the results in my suit to show just what this has done to all 7 of us in my family.

Re: Chronic Pain Study

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:46 am
by Nan in On
This is a wonderful idea, as is anything that increases awareness about chronic pain!
I understand from the instructions that this survey is only for the "families" of the chronic pain sufferer and not to be filled out by the person who is diagnosed with chronic, I guess I am ineligable...but I will ask my hubby if he take the time to complete it.
I would love to see the final results though, if they will be would the American and Canadian Pain Societies, I'm sure!

Re: Chronic Pain Study

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:10 pm
by msthomas
Since I know the reseacher, I will make sure she understands how important we find her study and ask that all results be avilable to us if for any reason the school does not disclose them.
I am having my hubby do it and hope that many other spouses or sig. others will participate. We can all benefit from any hint of real understanding to what our families have to deal with.

Re: Chronic Pain Study

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 1:11 pm
by msthomas
PS should I post this on general board as well to help get attention to it??

Re: Chronic Pain Study

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:16 pm
by jennyb
I'd love to see someone doing a study on how the person diagnosed with chronic pain is affected! The effects on my family are minimal (a far as I know, haha....) because I turn myself inside out to make sure they aren't affected-but I've asked my husband to fill in the survey just in case he's faking too....:0)

Chronic pain is something that most of us have just had to accept,or you face having no life at all and it sucks. Some people I've supported in the past have suffered marriage breakups as a result of how the pain or the meds they take to deal with it affects them.
I really am starting to get weary of how little interest many bpi specialists and almost all GP's show in the pain , which I know for many of us is the worst part of the injury. If only there was a way to make doctors feel how it feels, just for say, ten seconds.....every clinic would have a dedicated pain team in no time!

Sorry, having an embittered day....Take care all.
Jen NZ