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Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 6:45 pm
by admin
well i know its not much but i am going to wear the ribbon kath handed out and hopefully people will ask me about bpi

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2002 7:04 pm
by Kwest
This year I'm focusing on doctors (pediatrician's, neurologists, ob/gyns) I will be dropping off Outreaches and a card that let's them know I'd be willing to speak with parents who need a contact.

I actually had a copy of my Outreach with me at my daughter's therapists office last week when she told me she had a new patient -- a teenage boy who has a tbpi because of a motocross accident. I passed on the Outreach and gave her a UBPN contact for someone to email. She later told me they were unbelievably grateful for the information.

Also, I will also make a media packet drop off at some of the area community papers.

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 10:58 am
by Terri
I lit a candle Sunday morning at church for all babies who have suffered a OBPI. I mailed out a personal letter along with a quick facts sheet, book markers and a photo of Michael to family in friends. I asked them to visit the UBPN web site and learn more about OBPI and to share the information. I also mailed out the Outreach magazine to Michael's pediatrician and Michael's aunt and uncles. I did send a letter and information to a local newscaster who does segments on Health. Information was also sent to Babies R US in hopes they would let the MBPN have a booth at their health week. However, Babies R US stated our topic was too serious of a subject matter for thier health week and they declined to let us have a booth.

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 11:03 am
by Joni
Representing the Rocky Mountain Support group in Denver (rocky mountain gals), we are doing a bowl-a-thon for the kids and raising money for UBPN!!!! Individually we are doing other things like proclamation, church speeches, providing info at places like Babies R' Us, etc....

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 5:07 pm
by tina arvizu
Gabrielle and I are going to the local beaches and parks handing out Frisbees we had made that say "Arm yourself with Knowledge FIGHT BRACHIAL PLEXUS INJURIES, (thanks Francine).

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 5:17 pm
by francine
My letters to the editors got printed!! Yay!!!
doing the bpi awareness dance!

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 6:02 pm
by Kathleen M
I gave a speech this morning on Prevention of bpi injury to the newborn at a church Parenting Center no less then 10 pregnant women and about 20 young mothers.... who will have more babies...

Printed out Questions for doctors and Quick Fact sheet .....

The three speakers were one nurse practitioner two pediatricians and me...
I went first... just a little pull their because my daughter runs the parenting center for our church... and she knew I wanted them to hear what I had to say about obpi...
They took my materials including a copy of Outreach for each of them. Asked for our Website... asked me tons of questions... well I gave them tons of information...even if they did not ask... they are the first line of support and information. We need them to keep on top of things to insure proper care for our populations ... they were great and really interested... so today rain and all was a good day ...

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 10:40 pm
by Bonnie
Ooops! I posted this elsewhere - didn't realise that there was another post! Sorry. Here it is again......

Hi folks - better late than never.

I've been doing my fair share of awareness here in little old Saskatchewan!

I developed a flyer that explains BPI's and how they happen. I included my name and email/phone number, offering my support to other families affected by BPI. I have sent them, along with a personal letter and silver ribbons, to my family doctor, Avery's paediatrician, Avery's therapists (children's clinic), the @**hole OB who did this and to the neonatal follow-up clinic at the hospital.

I put the cards and ribbons up at work and have been wearing my beautiful silver ribbon on full display all week.

My mom and Avery's daycare provider are also wearing silver ribbons that I gave them this week.

With what little energy I have, I am determined to get this injury recognised and understood!!

Re: SURVEY: What are you doing for Awareness Week?

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2002 10:52 pm
by m&mmom
I'm handing out silver ribbons and info, giving gifts to Matthew's therapists, having it proclaimed Awareness Week in Monroe County PA, having a dinner on Saturday to wrap up awareness week.

Last year when Monroe County proclaimed it awareness week the media interviewed me and ran a story. I'm hoping they'll do the same this year. Last year the guy told me if I'm ever planning to set up a table at the mall he'll come out and give me coverage. I'll probably do that next year.
