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Re: Elbow Contractures?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:25 pm
by Mare
I truly believe that keeping the arm straight is a way of preventing elbow dislocation due to muscle imbalance but when frankie was little they kept telling me the contractures weren't that bad.When he was about 9yr old Dr's started saying his injury was to bad to fix and I should just let him alone. At 14yr old after 2 weeks of serial casting they felt something weird in the elbow so we went to see Dr Kozin he said it was dislocated from a muscle imbalance the muscle pulls it out of joint then it can't be put back in. Dr kozin said even with surgery it would be pulled back out. So maybe if he was splinted as a young child at least at night he would have gotten used to it and it wouldn't have gotten so bad or be such an issue. I always say you can't teach an old dog new tricks and you can teach a teenager even less I just don't want him to hold it against me when he's older for not nagging and pushing him. He tells me he's under enough pressure with just starting high school (he took all the really hard courses criminal and business law, geometry, ect) and is so far pulling all A's how much more can I push him? I worry that to much pressure will lead to drinking, drugs or god knows what. Thanks Everyone for listening it really helps alot Mare

Re: Elbow Contractures?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:51 am
by Carolyn J
The very heathiest thing you can do is to support Frankie's choices and decisions of what he wants now that he is of an age to get information, explore/discuss/and argue his choices. That IS a good thing.

Many of us adults never had choices and options or discusions of any kind as it all was "the elephant in the room" that nobody, including Doctors talked about. What a different, informed, productive life Frankie will have!! :) You GO FRANKIE!! and MOM too! for saving you energy for your own needs( which I just know you are taking care of, right?!!)

Did anybody see Dr. Christine Northrup on the Oprah show, yesterday??? " What Women Should Know About wWhat Their Bodies Are Telling Them".
Take care , Mare.

HUGS all around, :)
Carolyn J

Message was edited by: Carolyn J

Re: Elbow Contractures?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:59 pm
by Brenda333
Thanks so much for all of your help and suggestions. Michaela has agreed to see Dr. Matloub in Milwaukee, as well as Dr. Nath in Chicago. She said she will decide then what she wants to do.

Thanks again everyone.

Re: Elbow Contractures?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:18 am
by Carolyn J

It is the greatest gift to allow Micheala to become your Partner now in her Medical/Surgical Decisions especially when at 18 she'll be well prepared for the process of seeking consults, information, 2nd, 3rd opinions, discussion of her options, risks etc. that is a lifelong process for living with these BPI Injuries.Being an informed decision maker is empowerment to living our lives to our fullest potential.We BPI-ers are capable of doing anything we put our minds to.

ok,off the soap box..LOL

HUGS all around,
Carolyn J
adult LOBPI/69