
Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery

Re: depression

Post by garytj1 »

i think im in a dowhill spiral with depression also.....i know its silly but im so sick of living like this...i was just about ready to retire and this happened to me........i try to hang in there with hope......i can barely sleep, i live on morphine.....hope things get better for you all gary
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Re: depression

Post by Fredrick »

I had a car accident back on 21 July 2005, fracturing my neck (C4-T1). I avulsed several nerves, crushed nerves, and severe intertwine nerves to my right arm. I have undergone a nerve transplant back on 17 Nov. 05, and am in the process of another operation to transfer muscle and tendons. My arm is still useless and pain is an everyday problem.
Since the accident my depression has been up and down and very down. There are many days when I feel worthless and resort to my bed for days on end. The pain I experience is also an issue for my depression. Now to say that there are days when my limitations don't bother would be denying and minimizing myself. Point is this injury has change our lives, literally.
I have sought help professionally. My Psychiatrist has prescribed venaflaxin for depression and ceriquil for depression and sleep and nuerotine for nerve pain, and phelenal patches for pain. These medication has helped me. But moreso, having a therapist to talk to has helped the most. Yes, I still have depression and have days when I don't want to function and lay in bed. But my depression is getting better.
I don't now when your accident occurred Shelly, but please keep in mind we have a grieving process to go through. This shall pass.
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Re: depression

Post by herff94 »

How are you? Haven't heard from you since your post?


Re: depression

Post by garytj1 »

Hi............yes i hate this club too..................and i think i am finnaly succumbing to depression i use to laugh it off and say im just pissed off but the truth is im miserable doc wants me to take paxil???? any ideas about that??? im so sick of taking stuff im just tired of living like this
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Re: depression

Post by brandonsmom »

I was on Paxil after the birth of my fourth child....the one born with an OBPI. I Was on it for about a year adn then jumped ship and got off becuase it made me so tired. And with all the kids, I couldn't afford that !!! Good Luck GAYLE
Dave m
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Re: depression

Post by Dave m »

Hi guys, my thoughts on depression.... I had the symptoms of depression anxiety and ptsd before it was ever diagnosed. My GP sent me to a consultant psych who diagnosed antidepressants and a sedative. Gradually, slowly over about 3 years the symptoms lessened and i recently saw the psych for the last time. He recommends avoiding alcohol (been there done that too much), excercising even if its just a walk every day and a holiday in the sunshine. I'm on half the dose of meds now and plan on getting off them altogether later this year. It can be more than our body that is injured by serious traumatic incident/injury. I figured i would fight the low mood myself but am glad i got the respite from the depression enough to get on with life which now is good, i enjoy waking to the new day now instead of wishing i had stayed sleeping. It's ok to ask for a little help now and then, this BPI rollercoaster takes some riding. Best wishes to you all :O)

Re: depression

Post by wazza »

"does everyone go through ups and downs with depression or is it just me. some times i feel fine and my limitations don't bother me.........other days i feel like i'm worthless and should just crawl back in bed and stay there"

Story of my life at present. I'm having a 'good day' today, just woke up and feel like the world is my oyster! Had a rough few weeks recently as new pain that has kicked in roughed me up a bit but I've overcome that at present and getting back on with life. As previously said, I think we all go through the ups and downs and it's nice knowing that when we have our downs, we can post here and others going through the exact same thing can read it and appreciate what we say + give views with experience of their own. Finding this site last year was a bit of a life saver for me as TBPI is "rare" down this part of the woods (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) and it's very hard to speak to people who haven't gone through this as you feel they just don't understand.
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Re: depression

Post by fortitudine »

A month or so ago I heard an interview on the radio - it was a PhD psychologist who had written a book about happiness and depression. He said that there were scientific studies to prove that there are two ways to change the balance/reduce depression: one was anti-depressants, and the other was meditation.

Not long after that, a friend invited me to accompany her to a relaxation yoga class, also known as yoga nidra or meditation yoga. I am normally skeptical of such practices, plus I tend to be hyper and fidgety, so this was a big leap of faith for me. But because of the radio interview, and because life has been very challenging for me the past year, and I had been feeling like I needed a break, I decided to try it.

Seven sessions later I am hooked. We start with very gentle stretching, then we lie down, making ourselves comfortable with pillows and blankets, in the darkened room, and the instructor leads us in 40 minutes of guided relaxation and mindfulness with an om chord playing in the background.

The idea is to get to the point just before sleep where the mind is clear and relaxed. I gather this takes a long time (so far I have only managed to stay awake through the whole session once!) but it is, nevertheless, 40 minutes twice a week when I have NO STRESS and am at rest. It is amazing what it does for the soul.

I can't say that it has reduced my pain level, but it seems to have helped me deal more calmly with the challenges I have right now, and for sure my posture is better!

Do I sound like a convert? I am! It might be worth a try for some of you.
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Re: depression

Post by herff94 »

your letter sounds relaxing!! I did try yoga, a while back, but the whole time I thought of things I should be doing or getting done. I was too high strung, I guess. I have a neighbor that wants to hypnotize me. I have to giggle when she mentions (which is every time I see her. I know it works for a lot of people, and that is GREAT. But I feel in my heart that if your not a true believer its just not going to work. Well, I am an example of that. I need to get a better mind set, I know! But if that was a true cure then this world would be relieved of all pain.
OK, spring is coming..........the pain should lighten and I will get more positive, I promise.