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Re: neurontin

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 8:26 am
by pebbles
hi i am on gabapentin300gm capsules that are for people who have epilepsy.I have brachial plexus injury too.they are very expensive and I think they are helping me.this happened to me only this year in feb 2004.through deep massage ect.I am on a few other tablets as well if you would like to chat about it please email me on wendy from tasmania australia

Re: neurontin

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 2:21 am
by Too Much Metho
I got hurt in February '04 too, and am on Gabapentin (neurontin)300's for 2400 a day. I'm not sure they do anything for me but it's got to be better than nothing.

Re: neurontin

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:00 pm
by buddyfan
I'm pretty sure this is Gabapentin in UK.
I have just recently tried it but it really didn't help. I also felt quite 'spaced' out some days. I was on 300mg x 3 a day. Maybe I needed more to have an effect on the pain but I'm not willing to go along with the side effects, I've got a life to live.

Re: neurontin

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 4:28 am
by admin
Hi there. I have been taking Neurontin on and off for about six months now. I am much more on than off now, because I can really see the difference when I do take it. Prior to this, I had felt like someone was hitting my funny bone with a hammer non-stop for five months. I have very little side effects, but I am on a WAY lower dosage than most people. (700mil)

As for being tired, I take only one or two pills in the morning, and the rest at night. I am still a relatively recent injury (7/13/03) so anything that dopes me up at night and gets me to sleep is my best friend. I still can't get comfortable. :)

Re: neurontin

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:26 pm
by punchy sue
I've been all over the internet trying to find out info on anti-convulsant drugs. I was first on Neurontin 600mg x3. I had increased memory problems so I cut back to 300mg x3. I read what Kath had said about pregnancy and have been thinking about stopping all together. I just got back from a new doctor who is trying to increase all my medications, where as I have been slowly decreasing everything I'm on. He wants me to stop using Neurontin because the doseage was too low to help me and wants me to start taking Gabitril (tiagabine HCL). I'm so confused and don't know what to do. It seems like every doctor I go to tells me I'm handling my condition wrong. Either I'm taking too much medication or not enough. I should do physical therapy or I should not right now. I want to know how Gabitril effected anyone whose taken it before I start another medication. I really need everyones help! Please let me know what you know about Gabitril and how it's different from Neurontin.

Re: neurontin

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:33 am
by pebbles
yes im on it .Im not sure yet if it works as im on other tablets as well.I think it helps me abit............pebbles

Re: neurontin

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 5:36 am
by pebbles
oops.........sorry i thought it was gabapentin caps you meant............Im on 2 a day each capsule contains 300mg

Re: neurontin

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:39 pm
by admin

Re: neurontin

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:59 pm
by JenG
I am a physical therapist assistant who injured myself 8 months ago and have had ongoing severe back neck and arm pain, along with being diagnosed with Manic Depression. I have gotten to the point that the only pain med that works is Perkecet. I can't just keep taking that though so My doctor put me on 600mg at bedtime and 300mg in morning of Nuerontin. I feel way more ballanced. But still having sever pain. Also by the end of the day I have irritibiliy and mood swings. Any suggestions?

Re: neurontin

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:16 pm
by admin
I also get terrible worn out and irritable by the end of the day and as I have 1 bpi arm and 1 amputated arm my husband has to do everything for me. We are only young 28 & 26. I want to go off the nurontin but just can't see how I would cope. I cut back from 3200mg a day to 2900mg and suffering still from that.
Once you are off them completely and the worst of it is over does it settle down to where it is bearable?