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Re: water temp for aquatherapy?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 2:46 pm
by Jodi
Curious! Does anyone know how hot is to hot therapy in a hot tub. We do a lot of therapy in our hot tub and we have been keeping it at about 98. (This is a lot cooler than we used to keep it before kids.) It seems like anything under 98 we get too cold. We do it outside and late in the evening. We usually stay in for about 30 mins. Are we doing any damage by it being this warm.
Thanks Jodi

Re: water temp for aquatherapy?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2002 3:09 pm
by francine
If you were in a therapy pool and it was 94 -you'd be on the edge of being overheated after swimming one lap.

Aerobics can't be done in anything over 89.

Perfect therapy temp is 90-94. 91-92 being the best range.

Follow the same precautions with a child that you would with someone who has high blood pressure, stroke risk, pregnancy, etc. If you go into water that hot, keep it very short and hydrate a lot. 30 mins in 98 sounds like a lot of time for a child - but how old is the child and how much do they weigh?

Re: water temp for aquatherapy?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2002 9:07 pm
by LeeAnne
I'm just going by what the pool has posted at the sign in desk. Every day they post the water temp and it's supposed to be 92 to 94 and only once have I seen it lower (88). They also post the air temp as it's indoors and air conditioned. Air temp is kept between 75 and 78. All I know is what they post and how I feel.There is also a whirlpool at one end and I go sit there for a few minutes after the aerobics.