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Re: depression

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:17 am
by Brandon_3
I guess I need to grieve because I can't stop crying and it has been so long since I've done that. I wish we had a chat room sometimes.

Re: depression

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:09 am
by diargasm
I get depressed quite often. I don't believe it is directly related to my arm though. The things that get me down nowadays are college and work. Sometimes I get upset whenever what the next 20 years of my life will be like. I'm a regular smoker now - just don't tell my parents.

Re: depression

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:42 am
by ptrefam
I have depression from the tbpi and I don't even have the injury, my son does. It's so hard to watch him go through all this. From the accident to the slow recovery. It has been nearly 15 mos. Then there is the fighting with insurance to pay what they have promised to pay. The long cold winter with less light. Being stuck inside with him last year for nearly 6 mos. With his brain injury it was impossible to leave him alone for most of that time.

Brabbit: They used to do an open chat on Thurs. nights I think, not sure if that is still going. Maybe ask Hope or Mareike, they were often there.

Re: depression

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 4:57 pm
by herff94
I took a test to see if my depression was weather related, I wanted a reason hoping I could get help, but it turns out it is not weather related. My husband is in Education, Administration for a HS, so he is gone a lot. It is so cold here and snowing and it is truly painful. Plus I have 2 expanders with drains hanging out right now and a 20 month old whom is heavy so I don't go anywhere. I can find all types of reasons for my depression but I don't know what to do about it. I'm losing friends and my relationship is not good with my husband right now. I admit its all me. I get jealous of him and my kids because they are gone all day and have activities at night and I do nothing and stay in all day. It is so hard...........

Re: depression

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:22 am
by ptrefam
After months of going through what it sounds you are. Losing friends, staying in, ect. I finally had to admit I couldn't do it alone. I am taking an anti-depressant now, it is helping. Think things will improve once the weather is better and I try to get out more. Also, now my husband and I make sure to go out at least every other week, just for dinner, so I get out of the house and a break from the kids. Otherwise I just thought all the time about leaving, not harming myself, but just getting away from all the responsibilities of life.

Re: depression

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 9:40 am
by herff94
I feel the same way. I don't want to hurt myself or children in any way. I just want to run away. I thought of taking something for my depression but right now I'm in between surgeries. I think that has a lot to do with it. My life is on hold and I have to say "no" to all invites because I am waiting to hear from Mayo. I haven't showered since Nov 3rd, only baths and my skin is so dry and itchy. My drains get infected and they are a mess to deal with. My husband is gone ALL the time. In fact every weekend since the 1st weekend in DEC. and Feb is booked. The only thing we will do together anytime soon is another trip up to Mayo for my 2nd surgery. I am praying it will get better. The days are so long...........Thank you so much for replying to my post. Its good to know there is someone out there; there's no one here!

Re: depression

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 10:36 am
by ptrefam
I'm always here. Feel free to e-mail or IM me. I think so many of us know what you are dealing with. When is your next surgery? Best of luck with it. God bless.

Re: depression

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:57 pm
by miserbank0312
I have an injury to my bp and have lost all use of my rt. deltoid. I have seen a surgeon in St. Louis and await a March appt. at Mayo. I am 45 and live in Indianapolis (Go Colts!). I know what the winters are like. When I was able, I use to go out west skiing in the winter for a few days just to see some sunshine. It made a world of difference. I also think just going outside for a walk around the block makes a difference in your mood and attitude. I also think anti-depressants can be quite useful. I hate waiting for phone calls from doctors. they seem to never come and my wife is a doctor. When I was in the hospital and feeling really low, my wife wheeled me around the hospital in a wheelchair and we saw the pediatric ward and I immediately stopped feeling sorry for myself. Even with my injury, I am blessed. You are blessed too and people care about you. This forum is great for information from people who have experienced similar issues. God bless you and your family. Jerry

Re: depression

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 5:15 pm
by brandonsmom
Kath, I truly feel sorry for you, I do know what it is like, I went through it too when my son was born. 3 years it took. Let me know if there is anything I can do....or if you just want someone to talk to let me know and I Will e-mail you my e-mail address !!! GAYLE

Re: depression

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:56 am
by spinkydee
I just wanted to add my 2 cents as I'm a psychiatric nurse practitioner and see depressed clients frequently. Few with injuries as severe as the ones BPI people have. I am a mother who has had to watch my son's agony and have experienced the stupidity of doctors. It has been a terrible year and a half. But, if I put my mind in a place of thankfulness, I am better able to cope. However, I took a good look at my situation and thought...who wouldn't be depressed? So, I began taking an antidepressant and it has helped a great deal. My son is also taking an antidepressant. It likely helps but there is also the grief and adjustment of such a drastic injury and the pain that goes with it. Also right about the effects of opiates as being depressants. Also right about the effects of weather and all the other stressors and challenges you all have in your lives.

I encourage anyone who is not coping well not to further suffer from the effects of depression. It can be disabling as well. Medication is one option that is often effective. Medication plus counseling is even more effective. Having a spiritual base (no matter what religion or viewpoint) is especially important. This experience has certainly taught me that lesson. People who are depressed tend to isolate. It is difficult for others to relate to this injury. It is important to find people in your community who are willing to give you support. Michele