Starting a local group

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Starting a local group

Post by MichelleBrockwell »

Has anyone started a support group in thier community? I want to start one. I was thinking about putting an ad in the paper? Is there a better way?
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by admin »


I wanted to start a group a couple of years back. I put an ad in the local newspaper and surrounding town papers. I had NOT ONE response to this. I even put it in a medical happenings section in the newspaper as recommended by the staff there. It may be a different outcome for you, but it was certainly a terrible one for me! That is why I created my Web site and began the support group on-line. Try the ad, but don't be disappointed if you get no responses! Good luck!
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by PeggyF »

Please email Claudia

and she can give you some tips for starting your support group.

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Re: Starting a local group

Post by dmom »


A great way of finding people is to put the word out at doctors' and therapists' offices, whether they be pediatricians, orthopedists, BPI specialists, OTs or PTs.

Also, you should contact your local early childhood intervention program and have them put the word out to any BPI families they know.

I'd also post here to see if there are people who go on UBPN who might be from your area. That's how a lot of us in D/FW found each other.

Good luck!
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by admin »

I failed to say that I did put information in a number of offices, including pediatricians, therapists, etc. I still had NOT ONE response! I believe that the size of the city/town makes a difference also. Some states have less injured children and it can make finding other families hard. I already have 11 people in just 7 days. It takes time, but you will find out a way to do this and what will work for you. I finally found my way and it has been a couple of years since I started thinking about doing this.
Put the ad in, put the information in offices, and then see if that works. Since it didn't for me, I had to do something else. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find other families this way! Good luck!
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by admin »

Where are you?
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by Katiesmom0514 »

Where are you located? I would like to start one in my area as well...I thought it would be cool if we were close. I'm in Northern Cambria, PA...which is about 45 minutes from Johnstown and 30 minutes from Indiana PA. Best of luck with your endeavor!

Cheri (mom of Katie, 3, LOBPI)
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by ashley110603 »

I would like to go to a local group. I am in Wilkes Barre PA. I am not sure how far that is from you.
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by admin »

Are there any groups in FL??? We live in Chipley (panhandle)
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Re: Starting a local group

Post by claudia »

Hi All:
If you are interested in starting a support group, please do email me. I am a little swamped right now, but I will respond fairly quickly. (My 3 big kids have been away at camp for 7 weeks and they come home this weekend!!!)

my email is

also, I encourage you to REGISTER!!! If everyone registers, then you can go to the Registry and find people in your area. Even if you don't want to start a support group and you just want to talk to someone nearby, the Registry was designed for you to find people. But everyone has to register for it to work.
