How Much Therapy Needed?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: How Much Therapy Needed?

Post by admin »

This sounds perfectly normal to me. Maybe you can change it to 3X weekly? I wouldn't go any less than that seeing that he is only 3 months post op. We actually kept on going 3X weekly after Ella's secondary surgery for approx 4 months. Then we went 2X for a while and now are back to 1X weekly and she is 9 months post op. Talk to your doctor. Talk to your therapist. Do what works for you, but try to get there as much as you can b/c this therapy time is crucial and well worth every second of the strees it puts you through! (Believe me...I know how hard it is.) Good luck.
Sophie's Mom
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Re: How Much Therapy Needed?

Post by Sophie's Mom »

I know how busy it is, with both parents working. We were in the same boat. However, our insurance only gave us 20 visits of OT per year, even post surgery! +20 PT. That didn't allow for us to do much without worrying about running out. So, we only went once a week and then dropped to every other, and then dropped to once a month. If you have the coverage, I would go as often as is feasible. It really makes a difference in the success of the surgery, and they get so much more out of therapy than at home (in our case, anyway). If you can swing it, you won't regret it in the end. But I would for sure talk to Dr. Shenaq to make sure he thinks it is necessary.
Good luck.
Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:56 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Hi! I am Laura, the mom of Tyler, who has a ROBPI. I've been a member of this site since 1998 and owe a great deal to the wonderful people in the UBPN community who have helped us along the way get what we needed to get done for Tyler. Tyler is now 14 years old and in the 9th grade. He's a super bright kid and loves his video games. Tyler had the mod quad surgery with Dr. Shenaq shortly before he passed. That was his first and only surgery. Now that he is older he is requesting additional surgery. He'd like to be able to supinate. Our goal is for Summer 2013.
Location: Gulf Breeze, FL

Re: How Much Therapy Needed?

Post by tylergsmom »

Insurance coverage is definitly not a problem. As long as it's needed, and the referrals are done, then we can take him as many times as we want. He's doing great in therapy and likes to go most of the time. I just feel like I have no time for anything else and get overwhelmed sometimes. I know it's for the best and am so proud of him for working so hard at it.
Laura LeNoir, Mom of Tyler, Age 14, ROBPI