anyone's child in ballet?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by Tessie258 »

There is a little girl who does dance but I haven't seen her mom on the board for a LONG time now. I remeber she told me her daughter woukd compensate with her uninjured arm to make them look the same because the symetry was important to the judges. Keep posting...Maybe she lurks...Have a great day!

Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by NancyP »

Kelsey took ballet all year last year. It was a ballet/tap combined class. She loved it. We took it through our park board, so it was low stress, but excellent instruction. The teacher let Kelsey do the best she could with her left arm but corrected the right. It was great exercise for her. When they did tap, they danced holding a hat, and she just did the best she could with that too. Good luck to your daughter. Keep in mind that as long as she is having fun, it is good for her:)

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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by Julie-work »

My almost 3 yr. old daughter just started dance this month. She is taking tap/ballet. I told the instructor about her injury and the limitations but told her to treat her just like the other kids. I said that there are movements that she would probably not be able to do, but if shown she could find her own way. Sometimes when I peek in on the class I see my daughter using her left hand to put her right hand in position (for example hand on side of head or on her cheek). She is having a good time and is so excited that she is going to be a ballerina just like her big sister! I'm looking at it as a way to let her have fun and maybe a sneaky way to work on balance and arm movements!
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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by Francine_Litz »

look at the entry for 6/16/2003

there is Maia at her dance recital in her post capsulodesis splint! I put a new piece into her costume to acccommodate her splint.

They placed her on the very left side...and then placed another girl at the very right side with HER arm out like Maia's - for symmetry!

I was so proud of her!

Before class started - we met with the teacher and Maia showed her what she could do with her arm so that her teacher was aware of what her "end ranges were" and what her posturing would be.

Maia gained so much self esteem in this class - it was great and she has just started her 2nd year there.

Hope your daughter has a great year in ballet! It's not important to get it perfect - it's just important ot have a great time!

big hugs,
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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by Dean-na »

I remember taking ballet/tap when I was 5 or 6 (many years ago) I might of looked a little different, but I was so proud of myself. I had a great time. I think your daughter will have a wonderful time.

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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by admin »

I believe the dance classes will be beneficial to your daughter.

I have a brachial plexus grand daughter(Isabelle) and I have begun teaching her to dance. This will improve her balance, tone muscles, and give her a sense of eloquence.

Isabelle has been through nerve grafts but does not want to use her arm. I am hoping the dancing will encourage her to use the arm. The doctors can then determine what needs to be done next.

She may only have use of one arm - but I can tell you she is a charmer. Any man that meets her - comes under her spell - even the not-so-kid friendly ones.

Her being handicapped is in our minds not hers - when she plays with other children - they only notice her handicap for a short time. If they spend too much time on it - Isabelle will run over them. So they quickly get back to the games at hand or else they lose.
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Re: anyone's child in ballet?

Post by jflory »

Absouletly not...My daughter couldn't do the same things until the end of the year and we were so proud of her when she participated in her recital and did it!!! Don't lose hope...the best thing to do for them is Ballet because of the arm movements and the challenges for the arm. Believe it or not you will see a difference. My daughter is now in her second year of Ballet and thriving. Her arm gets better every month. She still has some trouble but no need to worry one day they just surprise you! Ballet teachers who work with children are usually very patient. Ours is great she will correct Elena or show her something new before class or after class so she doesn't feel embarassed in class. Maybe you should try that too. Take care and keep us posted!