Sorry had to do the pain issue separate
Ok, When your born with doctor imposed injuries , A baby is born into pain

Because of nerve tears there are parts of my hand I dont fell or of parts of arm from the erbs. My scapula was broken at birth and elbow there are dead area there to

My pain comes from the stretch nerves going into the shoulder and worse is the gravity in a day or being a biker with erbs, driving a semi , I most be the worst person ask about pain it just comes with trying

You guys do it to is it a endorphin thing over time

, being a scuba diver is pain relief , floating in a pool anything I can do to take gravity off the shoulder and arm of a chair for pain its

pain (OACH

This is what I do for Crazy pain

. Changing the angle of a hang arm for pain anyway you can

or maybe Dans sling is the best help to keep the weight of the arm off and keep the shoulder area together more for pain, A resting sling is a great

idea to. I love post asking if they could ride again and responses from other bikes with limitations doing so

I drove with erbs , But I am crazy to trying anyway
Pain free no just a gluten for punishment my hole life, scary

alot of other do to by post

Stay crazy try more you might be in less pain by your action or minimum hopefully your mental state by doing, I guess
Hope it helps