Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)


Jojo, who is also 4 kicks butt on the Wii. His favorite is bowling and MarioKart. Oh- can't forget golf. My niece has a Hannah Montana game that includes shopping, modeling and karaoke. My sister and I play that one when the kids are asleep. lol

Leapster handhelds are awesome too.
Cole's Mommy
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Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Post by Cole's Mommy »

My son is only 18 months, but what I have asked for him for Christmas from the rest of the family is to sign him up for activities. (Example Mommy and Me Swim Time certificate in a bundle of bath toys, Kids Body Shop gift certificate with new sweatsuit and movement/body book, and a kindermusic gift certificate with an instrument/cd....just a thought....they have so many toys and I love the idea of him experiencing these things and us spending that "structured" learning time together, too!
Lauren (Brooke's mom)
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Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Post by Lauren (Brooke's mom) »

Thank-you, thank-you!! The play foam is ordered and i'm looking into the guys are great!

We have horseback riding that she does so she is getting some of her lessons paid for by Grandma and Grandpa. I want to get her into dance and swim lessons, but her sister is one and I'd rather wait until they can do it together. This summer would be a good start.

Thanks again!
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Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Post by s8n »

nintendo ds has some good one handed type games too if that's what your aiming for
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Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Post by claudia »

I have always been a fan of "imaginative play". My kids didn't have anything even remotely electronic until they were older (it was actually a bit of joke at my expense in the mom and me groups... "don't get claudia's kids anything with batteries!").

I don't think kids spend enough time anymore just using their imaginations.

We had a Fisher-Price doll house. It folded up, though it was rarely folded up! We had TONS of the associated pieces that went with it: extra people, cars, tables, school set... I loved that the extras were fairly priced and so it was easy to buy them. I used to keep a few in the house as a reward for doing something out of the cleaning up when they were not asked. My son played with it too (hence, the cars!) It was very well made and every mom that I know who had one, LOVED IT. my kids played for hours with it. We recently gave it to our pediatrician.

good luck,

Message was edited by: claudia
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 9:34 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My oldest daughter suffered a LOBPI. We were sent home form the hospital without being told anything was wrong. She had nerve graft surgery at one year of age, tendon transfer and release at 3 1/2 yrs of age.
Location: Indiana

Re: Birthday HELP (non bpi)

Post by Cara »

I haven't been on for a while, and see that the original post is from a while back. My kiddos love doing crafts. I have ordered craft kits from oriental trading company. We made Christmas ornaments at her birthday party in november or just given her the kits and did them together after the party and they had a blast, we then delivered them to a local retirment home. We have also decorated plain canvas bags and given them to parents who take in foster kids. My oldest wants all of her aunts and uncles and cousins to come visit and make dinner at the Ronald McDonald house here in town. Since we moved we do not have nough room to have both sides of the family over at the same time and this would be like having a huge party in her eyes, plus she loves the RMH. With the ornaments and bags I let the girls keep one, but then they gave the others away.