WOW...I'm not alone!

This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).
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Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2002 12:04 am

WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by joyce »

Hi everyone: I am 47 (as of yesterday!) and I have just discovered that I am a right bpi. I've never understood why my arm is the way it is. What an amazing feeling to know that there are so many people that haved lived through the same "trials" as i have! My mom told me my arm was totally limp at birth and after awhile she saw my fingers move and then I slowly began to improve. They saw 3 doctors that all told them nothing could be done. I do have use of my arm and hand but have limited rom and cannot reach the top or back of my head. I never met or heard of anyone else with this condition and just thought something "went wrong". I have even asked at least 3 doctors to theorize what happened and they never mentoned this??? So, I never imagined there were many others with the same problems or that the condition had a name! I apologize for rambling on, but I'm just so amazed and happy to have found this site...what a nice birthday present! Joyce
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Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by njbirk »

Hello Joyce and welcome to our community.
I am 48 and have a left obpi.
I always knew what I had but had no idea there were so many others with this injury.

This is a wonderful place to come for support and with questions and to share experiences. We have all learned a great deal from each other that has helped to explain why some things are the way they are.

Posts: 557
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 11:59 am
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Right arm OBPI One surgery at age 40 Ulnar nerve retransposition
Location: Florida

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by Judy-T »

Happy Birthday Joyce!!! Welcome to the club.I am 41 and right obpi. If you have any questions ask away. where are you from?
Posts: 3656
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 12:52 pm

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by francine »

Happy Birthday Joyce!!!

my 4 year old daughter has a Left bpi....
here's some sites that may be of interest to you - look in the birth injury section

welcome to the message boards!!

Posts: 1012
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by Kathleen »

Happy Birthday Joyce

Welcome to the club!

I am 62 right obpi and thought I was the only one with this rare birth injury. I always knew it was a birth injury - but only knew the name Erb's Palsy.
When I would ask most doctors they seemed not to want to talk about it... I only found this website 2-1/2 years ago...

Glad you posted... I am from NY and we just began a support group in our area... if you live nearby...

Site Admin
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Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by admin »

Joyce...yes, isn't it nice to know that we are not alone?! I'm glad you found this site. I'm 25 and right OBPI. I found this site a year or so ago, and although I don't visit everyday, I find it comforting on those "I hate life" days!!!!

Hope you had a great birthday!

Erica DeAnn
Posts: 30
Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2002 2:30 pm

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by Michael »

Welcome to the fun house, and happy belated birthday.

50 years now with left OBPI. Nice feeling, not being alone anymore, eh?

I don't post as much as I could, so I guess I'm what most of the ladies call a lurker. But feel free to sak any questions and we're all here for you.

Posts: 72
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 10:20 pm

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by Stephanie »

Hi Joyce!
I am 51, left OBPI.
I found this site last summer one night during my vacation. Didn't have to work in the morning, so I was just playing around with a Google search and Viola!
I like to describe the feeling as having lived in a maze for my whole life and finally finding my way out!

I am curious...did someone finally tell you the medical name of your condition and is that what led you here? I remember typing in "Erbs Palsy" and surfing
in to UBPN soon after.
Regardless....Welcome!! What better feeling in the world is there than to find you're not alone? :o)

Take Care,
Posts: 90
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 9:57 am

Re: WOW...I'm not alone!

Post by TINA-T »

Happy Belated Birthday Joyce !!!!

I am 45 and my birth injury effects both my arms. Like you I have use of them, but it's limited. I KNOW the feelings you are experiencing, because we ALL felt giddy when we found this board and the realization that we were not alone set in :)

Ask or share anything you wish, we are all here to help each other. Whatever it might be, we are now here to laugh or cry with you.

Like Michael, I think I am earning the "lurker" status. Used to be here everyday all day, now I drop in as often as I can. Especially when there is a new friend to greet..............

I'm in Michigan..........where are you from?
