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New to this site

Post by mailmanmike »

hello, from pennsylvania and have a few questions , please feel free to help with any answers you can give, i recently had pain in the back of my neck with pain radiating down my left arm, had a mri with c4 c5 c6 protrusion on each of them, was on medication that was working then pain would come back after meds wore off, started to see some weakness and raising my arm over my head with difficulty, doctor did a steriod injection and that seemed to help , i remember telling him that i think i have brachial plexus from reading webmd, he thought that could be a possiblility but saw no winged back in the shoulder blade area, since than started PT for about a week, i am seeing some progress in the arm , can lift it alot better but the strenght is not there, saw doctor today and now believes that it may be brachial plexus, getting a nerve test this tueday and another steriod injection the following day if needed, also have a consultation with the neurosurgeon at the end of month, may change that to get in earlier, question is, has anyone on this site had the same symptoms and what treatment was available and how they are feeling now, i been out of work for 1 month and getting alittle nervous about this brachial plexus, again can raise up arm (hear clicking when i do this) but not without tilting alittle bit, thanks for your time
Gina Mc
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Re: New to this site

Post by Gina Mc »

Hi sorry to welcome you here!! I have brachial plexus from a viral infection Aug 2006. I had numbness, tingling and extreme pain in shoulders and arms. I started physical therapy in Aug so my muscles wouldn't die off. It has definately helped because if I didn't go there I would be sitting at home unable to use my arms. It's a daily struggle. You don't realize how much we use our arms, hands and shoulders. I still can not put my arms over my head and I can only slowly and painfully hold them straight out maybe waist length. My left side was affected worse. My both arms are very weak still and my left arm just hangs there like a dead fish!! I can say it was great findng this site just knowing that I wasn't alone. Hope I was of some help!
Have a great day and hang in there.
Gina Mc from New Jersey
beth lucas
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Re: New to this site

Post by beth lucas »

One of the most important things that I will suggest in PA find a GOOD DR that has knowledge in the BP. There are some in PA we have been to Philly and Wilkes barre..

Any questions please email me at

I can tell you more of DRS in this state. We are from Central PA near State College(Penn State)
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Re: New to this site

Post by srhykerd »

We are also from Central PA, near Harrisburg. When my daughter had her injury and was diagnosed by a neurosurgeon at Hershey Med Center they told us the best doctors for brachial plexus injuries were in Rochester, MN at the Mayo Clinic. So that's where we went and we are so thankful we did. The Mayo doctors are extremely knowledgeable about these types of injuries and are super people also. Sue
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Re: New to this site

Post by J »

I too am new to this site. I had shoulder surgery last year and, due to regaining only about 80% of my ROM following the operation, my Dr. convinced me to have a MUA (manipulation under anesthesia) to "break up" the scar tissue. Mind you, prior to this date, I was able to lift my arm up and down, do to work, drive a car, exercise, etc. I have the MUA on 4-10-2007 and ever since then have had nearly 0% use of my deltoid, infraspinatus and suprasinatus muscles. My Dr. blames the Nerve Block and the Anesthesiologist blames the "traction" of the MUA for the injury. Either way, I have no idea what's up. I have had 2 EMG's now and they show problems with the axillary and suprascapular nerves. I just want to get better and will do whatever it takes. I am in PT each week but want to find a good neurologist / neurosurgeon for consult. The pain is quite intense in the back of my shoulder and scapula and the pins and needles radiate into the left arm all the time. Is this a "forever" problem or is there real hope out there? Thanks.
Wendy Lee
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Re: New to this site

Post by Wendy Lee »

Mike I hope you come back to the board on occassion, but if not, this is for those that may pull this thread up on a search. There are differences between a BPI and a cervical injury. I did find this web site that can explain the difference.
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Re: New to this site

Post by racinjason75 »

J J J J J J.....

hey...where at in texas are you? have you found a good doc to check on you? let me know how you are doing...

jason in beaumont

please sign my photo guest book on myspace page...under the faces of brachial plexus...



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Re: New to this site

Post by Lance6 »

We are from PA and we consulted w/Dr. Zager at Univ of Penna and Dr. Adelson at Univ of Pittsburgh. We are 1.5 years from surgery w/Dr. Adelson. My husband is now seeing movement in his bicep and tricep. Best of Luck!
beth lucas
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Re: New to this site

Post by beth lucas »

This is for lance6

Just wondering what you think of Dr Addelson and Dr Zager...they are the only 2 BP specialists that we have not seen in PA. We had an appointment with Dr Addelson but had to cancel.
Thanks for your time