Video story of recovery of LOPI

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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by admin »

wow this brought lots a tears to my eyes.
Congrats and beautful daughter.
Hugs and kisses
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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by GAmom »

Thank you so much for sharing your video. Your daughter's recovery is so much like my son Brayden. He is now 3 and one surgery later (which happened this August was a year ago). He also had C5 and C6 damage. But it took us 18 months to find a doctor that would take more than 10 minutes to look at him. It was as if they were afraid to help us. But finally we found our "Miracle Worker" Doctor that was more than willing to help. I thank God everyday for him. You video has inspired me to start one of Brayden. Once again THANK YOU so much for sharing. It brought back memories and tears. But hey sometime we all need a good CRY! God Bless you and your little one.

Ashley, mom to Brayden ROBPI 3yrs
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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by admin »

Your daughter is beautiful and her story is encouraging. Thank you for sharing.
God Bless You!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Daughter has global palsy (c5-T1 injury) 5 surgeries at Texas Children's by Dr
Laurent, Shenaq, and Nath. 1st Surel graft 2nd Intercostal transfer 3rd Latisimus Dorsi transfer with subscapular release 4th Pec release 5th Bicep lenghtening, (which weakened her bicep, and contracture returned.) Has went through serial casting with fair results. Her arm is about a hand shorter then the other. She has limited hand function. (able to grasp) Arm stays pronated. Unable to get to neutral. Now dealing with sternoclavicular subluxation. All that being said....She is very functional. She is a very determined, strong, tenacious young woman. Now 15. She plays the trumpet, french horn, drums, guitar, and now learning piano. Has always played on a softball, and basketball team. Until recently, for fear of further injury due to the sternoclavicular subluxation. (separation of colarbone from sternum) Not sure if all this is spelled right.
Location: Wisconsin

Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by Brenda333 »

What a wonderful video. It made me cry. Boy, was I cheering her on.

Hope she continues with such great recovery.
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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by chrystalhurst »

This is so awesome for you to document your daughter's recovery and share with others.

It was very encouraging for me to watch. Thank you.
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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by Ben's Dad »

Couple words of caution if I careful about the video you take if you are involved in a legal action. We took video for the sake of taking video of our child growing up without regard for a legal case. Well, they used that video at trial against us to say "see how well he can do this..", sometimes video can go both can really help you or possibly hurt you in Court. Of course we didn't video tape the painful therapy sessions, maybe we should have.
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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by johnstrike »

Some of you might remember that I put a video on Youtube about the recovery process of my daughter about three years ago.

Next month the will be 4 years old and I thought it was a good idea to post an update. You can find it here (shorter version) or (longer version).

Femke is doing very well. My feeling is that the last two year her supination made progress. At this moment only an expert notices that she has LOPI. We do notice any functional impairement. Maybe swimming will be somewhat difficult for her. Anyway we are of course very happy about her recovery.

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Re: Video story of recovery of LOPI

Post by claudia »


She looks so happy and her recovery is a wonderful.

Thanks for sharing.
