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toy for wrist extension

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 8:46 am
by StephP
I'm always on the lookout for fun items that can help my son's bpi arm (as I'm sure you all are, too!). I recently found one at Kmart. It is a handle you would put on a bike that makes a "vroom, vroom, vroom" noise when the handle is rolled forward and back. It sounds like a motorcycle, sort of. Anyway, you can attach it to a bike handlebar, or just use it as is. Brandon loves it! I told him it's special toy for "leftie" to use. He has improved so much with it in the last few weeks. He could hardly turn it before, but now he really gets it going. Hopefully, it can be a useful toy for you too.

Re: toy for wrist extension

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 2:28 pm
by dmom
That's a great idea! I always love hearing about little toys that we can use with our kiddos to help their arms. Thanks for sharing it!


Re: toy for wrist extension

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:30 pm
by katep
Our physical therapist laughs at me (in a good way) when I designate toys as "lefty" toys! For the longest time, I used plastic spoons for Joshua to play with but only with his left hand. It was great, because he had to lift his wrist and turn his hand in order to get the spoon into his mouth, yet it was so light he could use it when his arm was so weak. He played with it lying on his back and then sitting up.

He now uses both hands with his utensils, but the spoon is actually something he's better at with his left hand!
