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DLA benefit

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 8:18 am
by deanie
Hi All

Mum and me have just completed the very very long DLA form. We have also put in for the mobility section as I do have problems walking distances and standing for any length of time I do loose balance and have fallen as well. I have just had a fall hurt my head thought I broke my injured arm but due to lack of feeling I couldnt be sure, so I had to go to the local A& E department thankfully no broken bones.

Several days passed and the wounds had become infected (dont know if this a regular thing with open wounds on an bpi limb, never sufferd from it before)needed antibiotics. All of the treament had to be documented on my notes so I included the details on my claim form.

I cant believe we have to go through so much to get so little and worse of all you cant fake an injury like bpi.

The whole DLA benefits system should be looked at and the word of your family Doctor and Hospital specialist should be excepted by the system instead of making you involve others such as somebody who knows you e.g teacher, health visitor or someone else prepaired to give a statement as well as the doctors. It makes my blood boil. so I thought id let of steam.

Dont these people realise we would rather be healthy with working limbs than claiming benefits. Give me a working arm any day than their money.

I think thats enough steam for one day. Will let you know how I get on.

Re: DLA benefit

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:03 am
by jacko
Hi Deanie,
don't want to be the bringer of bad news, but the DLA will not include the mobility component unless your leg is REALLY giving you grief due to other injury. The loss of balance, etc., is not a good enough reason according to them. You should be able to get lower rate, or possibly middle rate for the care component. If you need any help, I'm here:

Re: DLA benefit

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:11 am
by lizzyb
Hi Deanie

Yeah that DLA form is a real pain to fill in isn't it? I don't remember what I put on mine so I can't be of much help...this site is the best site I have come across for giving advice on DLA If you need any further help, say with an appeal if you get turned down, try the local CAB or email me and I can put you in touch with a lady that can help (shes helped many others with this benefit) She's on holiday at the moment but back soon. I agree with you that the paltry sum of money they give you seems hardly worth the bother sometimes, but it is your right to have it. Good luck with it..let me know if you need any more help.

Lizzy B