Nerve Graft Poll

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Mon May 03, 2004 4:40 pm

Nerve Graft Poll

Post by cinanina »

My son Sebastiao is 7 months. He had nerve transfer and neurolosys at 3 months. He could move his hand and shoulder but had no biceps function. In 3 months we've seen progress in the hand movement, more rotation of the shoulder but still no biceps function.

What happened to the cases you know?

Previous answers:

- Peyton just turned 4 years old. She had nerve transfer at 3 mos old also. 5 torn nerves. She started using Bicep around 2 years old, but what really helped was she used e-stim for 6 mos, twice a day, everyday. then at 2 1/2 really started using more.

- Gavin had ruptures of C4 C5 C6 and I think stretch of C7 & T1 ( in those days parents were NOT encouraged to ask more and the surgery notes are sketchy and the surgeon is dead so I am little in the dark!)
he had nerve grafts and a neuroma removed at 6 months and 1 week
it was 13 months POST OPERATIVELY before we saw any biceps recovery AT ALL - after the first sighting of biceps it recovered quite quickly and withing about 3-4 weeks of the first sighting he was bending his elbow beautifully.