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How are Jennie and Douglas doing?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:30 am
by admin
I am very much concerned about Jennie, her son, and the rest of her family. Can anyone close to that family tell us the outcome of Douglas' surgery. Otherwise, Jennie and her family have been very much a part of our prayers.

Re: How are Jennie and Douglas doing?

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 4:22 pm
by admin
Thank you for posting this, I too have been very worried about what has happened. Please update us soon if that is possible.

Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:33 pm
by myhumanrevolution

Jennie here...

Thanks for all your prayers and positive thoughts!

Here's an update!

We met with Dr Nath the day before the surgery and Douglas amazingly was moving his bicep just a bit against gravity.

He's 4 1/2 months old.

Dr Nath decided that we should test out those nerves before we commit to Primary surgery. We thought that was a great idea... So the next morning we go to TCH and Douglas goes into the OR ready for Primary if that's what he needs.

Dr Nath made a small incision under his arm and tested his nerves by running some sort of electricity through his nerves and seeing what moves (We'd never heard of this but it sounds great!). If his muscles aren't innervated there will be no movement. Dr Nath explained that if Douglas needs Primary he'll go ahead as planned.

Well! Douglas moved his whole arm! Even the fingers!!!!!--just a tiny tiny bit but still that's great!!!!!!!!! All of this was in the OR...... When he came out Dr Nath said he didn't need the primary that he needed a Mod Quad instead.

Then he had other surgeries and a TBPI car accident victim came in etc.

Meanwhile there were a few hours before Dr Nath could talk with us...totally understandably....and durring that time Brad and I were in shock about the Mod Quad...also understandably....

See I hadn't read Anything really about the Mod Quad and didn't understand what had happened to my son.

But then Douglas woke up and was like a brand new baby!!! He was in so much pain before the surgery and would literally scream with every feeding breast and bottle. He also just was very fussy and would cry for hours at a time.

But now he's a happy baby and guess what!? he doesn't cry to nurse! I can actually comfort my baby!!!!!!! So even if he doesn't get any movement back it's worth it! Just to get him out of pain! But of course I completely expect great recovery and tons of movement!

So anyway Dr Nath came in and explained everything and we feel confident that Douglas got the right surgery!

When Dr Nath did the testing on his nerves he had to cut muscle (like the pec major) because they were depressing the nerves. (no wonder he was in pain with those pinched nerves!) So Douglas already had a partial mod quad just with the nerve Dr Nath just went the extra 10% and completed a Mod Quad.

We are very confident in Dr Nath! I feel so greatful that Dr Nath has gone into private practice because he was able to give Douglas exactly what he needed!

And now we have a much happier baby!

Anyone know of other Mod Quads done on 4 1/2 month olds? Or thereabouts. I would love to talk with other parents....


Re: Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 5:45 pm
by momx2+3
It is just wonderful that his muscles were innervated. So glad to hear this good news and that Douglas is doing so well. I hope you can rest better now.

Re: Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:01 pm
by Kath
What great news!!! I am so happy for you and especially happy for Douglas. I am so glad he is out of pain. Thanks so much for the update I have been praying for you guys. I is so exciting to read such a positive report.

Re: Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:18 pm
by njbirk
Thanks for sharing this good news.
I hope the days ahead continue to bring more movement!

Re: Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 6:20 pm
by myhumanrevolution
Okay so I'm not sure about all the technical stuff yet (because I still haven't been able to get info about the Mod Quad since for some reason Dr Nath's site isn't working on my computer.

So I know that the test is to see movement and Douglas had movement. But it's my guess that muscles can't move with electircity running through them unless there is innervation--but of course I could be wrong and Douglas' muscles aren't innervated and there's some other explanation as to how the electricity can make the arm move.....

I don't know.

I'm still trying to understand more....

but the bottom line is: we're very encouraged.


Re: Douglas and the rest of the family are home!

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:31 pm
by Allison
I'm so glad all is well and Douglas is out of pain. I'm sure you are relieved. It's horrible when our little ones are in pain. Thank you for updating us. It's great that primary was not needed. How wonderful! I bet you're glad to be home. Bradley had the MQ just shy of 12 months. We were pleased with the results. My Bradley developed contractures very early on. Maybe he feels doing MQ now will prevent contractures as well as any shoulder deformities from occuring. Not sure just speculating?

Re: How are Jennie and Douglas doing?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 8:28 am
by admin
PRAISE THE LORD! I am awed. Completely awed by not only the success of the surgery, but the peace and calm of the aftermath.

Re: How are Jennie and Douglas doing?

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:14 pm
by dmom

That is SO GREAT!!!!! I love to hear good news like that! Thanks for sharing it.

Please give me a holler if you want any mod quad info (at least from an experience perspective). Danny was 10 months old when he had it ... not as young as your little guy, but still pretty little. I understood, from talking to his doctors at the time, that Danny was one of the younger kids who's had it.

Mod quad was a wonderful procedure, and of course, we just love Dr. Nath!

Thanks again for telling us about your great news!