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Looking for new career

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:31 pm
by BPGirlfriend
Hi! I'm so happy to have found this site! Last year my boyfriend was in a motorcycle accident. Thank God he survived, but he has lost all use and most feeling of his left arm to to a BP injury. He has just started his first year of college at the age of 26 and is seeking a new career because of his injury. he was formerly a mechanic. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what he could study and major in that would not be too hard on his body. Right now he is last as to what to major in because he is afraid that most jobs require use of both arms. Any suggestions would be greratly appreciated! Godbless you all for your strength!

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 12:45 am
by jennyb
Here's a link to the tbpi site based in the UK, we have an FAQ sectiuon which includes a part bout how people have carried on working after the bpi. A lot of our posters have changed to the IT industry, but check this out, there are a lot of options. There is also a messageboard attached to the UK site that you can access via the home page, your husband might be interested to read it as most of the posters are bikers.
Hope this helps!
Jen NZ

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:30 am
by james
Although I have damage to the long thoracic Nerve causing winging of the scapular I still have use of my arm I'm just limited to very light duty.

Anyhow I'm a mechanical design Engineer and I use to work with a guy who had total lost of use of one arm, he also was a design eng using CAD and to be honest he had no troubles what so ever.

Just a idea

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:59 pm
by admin
Thank you so much for writing back so quickly!MY name is Sara and my boyfriend's name is Jordan :) Computers were our first thought as well as engineering. I am looking for an organization in the US to help Jordan with his career search. If there's any ideas please let me know! We are both new to this kind of thing so any info is really helpful. I think he's very interested in the engineering field but he's not very sure as to where to start because it is such a broad field.Also he has just begun seeing a nuerologist to help with his pain. I was just wondering what kinds of meds are most helpful. Right now he is taking nuerontin, but its not...enough. We can use all the helpful tips available!

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:41 pm
by admin
Anything related to computers comes very much to mind. Maybe ten years ago I worked with a woman that didn't have a right arm. She was without a doubt the most talented programmer and graphical designer that I have ever met. And she didn't get there easily. She persisted through failing a few college classes. The process of failing paid off becuase all the while she was actually acquiring a very solid intellectual and academic foundation in her learning. She just learned differently. And now she works differently too: with great brilliance, she studies the matter at hand and makes truly innovative suggestions toward the work effort.

And jobs that involve a computer is not the only answer. If your boyfriend is a mechanic, I am assuming that he is the rough-and-ready sort with alot of good instinct. If your boyfriend is willing to return to school, there are alot of jobs in farming, husbandary, agricultural management... lots in infrastructure support over the design, use, construction of roads, bridges, and by-passes, alternative automotive design...

Then there is he really obvious alternative that he start his own mechanic shop. I can't imagine that the Small Business Administration does not favor disabled, yet highly skilled persons, toward the development of their own small business. He could manage a small mechanic shop...

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 7:59 am
by deanie
Hi there,
I have a bpi of the right arm/hand and yes this was my dominate arm. I'm finding it very hard to find a job for many reasons. Ive never been a desk job person I always wanted to be a mechanic. I cant see myself working in an office environment it would drive me insane.

I have been to the Disabled careers advisor who are trying to push me into a computor course with the hope of working with computors. As i'm only 18 years old I must give it a try because I cant spend the rest of my life on state benefits.

The other problem I have is I really struggled at school. Didn't want to be there to learn only to socialise with my friends. and now I regret it. So I might have to go to college to get some exams in English and Maths which will take a couple of years.

So here goes. and watch this space

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 10:22 am
by james
I have even seen a guy riding a race motorbike around a track with only one arm, a thumb trigger clutch was the only modification.

I guess many things are possible

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:17 pm
by dennisbk
I'm still able to do most of my own mechanical work with my BPI. Your boyfriend may recover significantly from his injury in a couple of years. Recovery is slow, so he shouldn't be hasty about making a career choice.
I'm a software engineer, but my hobby is working on classic muscle cars. The first year after my injury was the hardest. I had very little use of my left arm and I didn't want to do much. Things have gotten significantly better since, and I just am finishing up swapping engines in an old Mustang. Good luck!

Re: Looking for new career

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:42 am
by admin
hi don't you have to pass some type of physical exam to qualify to be a probation officer i also suffered a bpi of my left arm and i was studying in the criminal justice field and i just changed my major because of the physical requirements