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Kath, question for you...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:23 am
by 2kids4us
I read in one of your posts that you will have things in your bp side hand and not even realize it. I notice lately my daughter loves to walk around with something in her hand on her injured side (she is learning to walk so she cruises along holding the wall or a push toy with her uninjured arm/hand and something/anything! in the other hand). Why do you think this is? It's obviously very comforting to her but I would love your thoughts on why you think you do this. Thanks!

Re: Kath, question for you...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 11:43 am
by Kath
I have no clue as to why I do it. I suspect its a brain disconnect. I was not even fully aware of it. When I found UBPN and other obpi I needed to know if it was something only I did. What a shock to find out others do it too, now when I get in the car with the cordless tucked under my arm or too much stuff stored on the right side... I can laugh about it... I was always taking pens when I signed something (I was forced to write with obpi hand). I thought, I was becoming a pen thief. ... LOL... I warned people, not to let me forget to give pens back. I find myself holding on to my keys at meetings without realizing it... people were always telling me to put down my stuff, kidding of course. I have a habit of stuffing things under my bpi arm and in my hand when I am picking up and putting thing away so my left hand is free to work.
My sister made a comment about me loosing things when I was young. She said, I would start to cry because I could not find my "thing" and whatever I was looking for was always in my hand... But that comment drove me to ask on the adult/message boards I was pleased and relieved to find out most of the other obpi/adults also held on to things. I don't know if this helps maybe with all the new therapy this can be corrected... I don't know...

Re: Kath, question for you...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:45 pm
by 2kids4us
Thanks Kath, I agree it's nice to know that her actions are normal. Sometimes I try an take what's in her hand when she is waking because when she falls forward she is not able to get her bp arm out fast enough to cushion her fall (even without the item in her hand but I we are working on it). Have a great weekend!

Re: Kath, question for you...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 4:03 pm
by njbirk
I wonder if it might be because it assists in balance.
I also carry things in my bpi hand and like Kath, forget it is there!

I also like to tuck something, up under my bpi arm, so that I am hugging it next to my body. Something like a book or my purse. I know it feels more comfortable. I think it is because the muscles that hold the arm in place get tired because they are weak and the act of putting something there lets the arm rest. Since I have the typical strong internal rotation and contraction, this is an easy position. Does this make sense? It is hard to explain.

Anybody else do this?


Re: Kath, question for you...

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 2:53 pm
by jep98056
I find things in my ROBPI hand also like my car keys. I wonder if it's some sort of grasp reflex.

John P.

Re: Kath, question for you...

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 2:07 am
by 2kids4us
Nancy, yes I think I can picture what you mean and when I tried it out on myself me arm does feel like the muscles have a chance to rest in this position. Thank you all for answering this post and shedding some light on this for me. I'm curious to see if it continues as she gets older-now I will be able to tell her that she's not the only one.