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Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 9:56 pm
by Cheryl
Hi, Kath. Went to myofascial release therapist (still not sure of term they use for themselves) and it seems to have "released" the upper arm somewhat. Fingers are still numb, tingling and burning. Gave me some exercises to do so....will try to do them faithfully.

Re: Numbness

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 8:36 pm
by Kathleen

Check out this website for Cumlative Trauma Disorders.. It is amazing. Most of the stuff there really relates to injuries that are secondary to obpi.

It is a very interesting web page and full of information for those of us who have had this injury for a long time... also good for those newly injured because they may be able to prevent some future injuries by got OT ...


Re: Numbness

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 8:39 pm
by Kathleen
Sorry I am glad you myofacial release helped... it feels soooo good... LOL...

Also look at this website it is a different page but thougth of you when I read about Ulna Neuropathy... It is amazing when you begin to realize how this injury we thought was fixed as kids effects our entire body...

Hope this helps with some information
