TCH Statement

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Rita T. Lee MD

TCH Statement

Post by Rita T. Lee MD »

Even though I will soon be able to answer more of your questions regarding the status and location of Rahul K. Nath, MD, at present I can only give you limited information:

1) Dr. Nath is no longer functioning as part of The Brachial Plexus Clinic at Texas Children's Hospital. Three months ago, with no notification to Texas Children's, staff or faculty, Dr. Nath simply disappeared from our clinic with no forwarding address or the mere fact he had left.
2) As of July 1, 2004, Dr. Nath will have no faculty appointment or affiliation with Baylor College of Medicine.

Please be assured your child will continue to receive state of the art care from the TCH team.

Rita T. Lee, MD/on behalf of the BP Team
Chief of Brachial Plexus Program
Texas Children's Hospital
6621 Fannin CC 1610.01
Houston, TX 77030
832-822-3290 ofc
832-825-4812 fax
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by katep »


Do you mean three weeks ago, not three months? Wasn't Dr. Nath performing surgeries at TCH up until May 27th?

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Re: TCH Statement

Post by Allison »

Dr Lee, I appreciate your information regarding Dr Nath. However, most of us are already aware of this. I felt the way you advised us that he just up and left with no explanation was a low blow. I do not appreciate this gossip. I'm sure Dr Nath has his reasons for doing what he did. Don't bring it to the message boards. We as parents have enough on our plates, let alone bashing amongst doctors. In my opinion any Dr. working towards helping children with brachial plexus injuries is a hero. Please don't shatter my image. If you were so concerned of his dissapearance, how about a phone call? Brenda's # is still the same. Just my thoughts, I don't want to argue about it.
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by m&mmom »

Dr. Lee,
Thank you for posting this information. I have heard a lot of different versions on what was going on. This will provide some clarification.

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Re: TCH Statement

Post by admin »

Dr. Lee,

I too would like to say that many of us (speaking on behalf of friends as well) truly appreciate your informing us. I am sure you have felt stress in regards to these developments and probably uncertainty as far as what you should or should not share.

Many of us are tired of hearing all the gossip. I am saddened that there are so many versions out there. I had sincerely hoped that Dr. Nath would have provided a formal announcement well before all of these parents were being told bits and pieces of information, many directly from him. I just wish it was all being handled more professionally.

I am very sorry that all of this has transpired. Thank you for your consideration in informing us and reassuring us that the TCH team will still be in place to care for our children. This has all been disturbing and confusing to say the least.

P.S. Please know that several of us have very different feelings than one of the previous posters. It is important to me to hear factual and truthful information.
Karen Hillyer
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by Karen Hillyer »

I understand your feelings and appreciate your right to comment on the post by Dr Lee
if I could offer a comment from someone un-involved in the politics of TCH etc.
This information has been extremely helpful to families who are not based in the US and who may not have access to other forums than UBPN.
Only today, as a result of Dr Lee's post I have been able to forward this important information to a contact in Europe who believes that their child will be having surgery at TCH performed by Dr Nath in the very near future - indeed the contact told me that they expected Dr Nath to be returning to TCH in the very near future.
I realise that everyone in the USA has access to information about changes in surgeons at TCH - but we "over the pond" are grateful for some clarification.
It's not my intent to pick a fight or upset you - I wanted to let you know that I personally found the information Dr Lee posted to be helpful.
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by Lenni »

Thank you for the information .
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by admin »

Although it is somewhat helpful to have a statement from TCH and I expect Dr. Lee was posting in order to speak to the widest possible BPI audience all at once, I agree with Allison. There are two sides to every story, and Dr. Nath's has yet to be heard.

Please, everyone, don't be so hasty on your opinions about all this just yet.
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Re: TCH Statement

Post by Kimberly »

I have spoken with Dr. Nath and I believe this will better his performance with the treatments and procedures for our children. He is opening up his OWN institute just down the street from the BPI clinic. He does want to continue to see our children, it is just the politics of being at Baylor College of Medicine that made him leave. Some of those doc's are still old school, not necessairly up with the times so to speak. As we all know with children (or adults) with BPI's, medicine and procedures are still very new, but there are new techniques that appear to be working. Brittany has been with Dr. Nath for six years now, and he has made her life MUCH better, and Dr. Shenaq has made comments like "I would not have done that" and he also told us to drop TES and go to e-stim and Brittany has less than fair muscle tone. I am not a doctor and I knew this did not sound right, but I tried it. Two sessions on e-stim and Brittany was in the worst pain she has ever been in. She was having continuous muscle spasms that lasted for FOUR DAYS!!! crying continuously!!! Dr. Shenaq is old school and does not "believe" in TES!!! TES is what Brittany needs to build muscle tone. I believe Dr. Nath will still perform at TCH, that is the hospital that any doctor can get permission to perform in, he just will not be a part of Baylor College of Medicine. Brenda will be with Dr. Nath and will be scheduling appts for him. You can reach her at 832-824-3193. This is a statement from Dr. Nath: "This was brought up because of my concern that patients were not getting appropriate treatment and that I was being pushed into doing things I did not want to do. Hopefully all of my existing patients will want to continue their relationships with me, I am excited about finally being able to deliver the best quality care for them. I will see my families at my new office which is small and simple but will allow better interaction and personal attention to their needs."

Please don't start raking the coals over Dr. Nath just because he left Baylor College of Medicine. He has been an AWESOME doctor for our daughter and for many other children. Now his hands won't be so "tied".

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Re: TCH Statement

Post by rachelcasa »

Dr. Nath is a great and wondeful doctor. I am sure he has his reasonings for what he is doing. I also know that if you email him with any concerns that he will be up front and honest with you and does reply in a timely manner.