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Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:00 am
by diargasm
when can i expect for the soreness in my legs to go? the numbness in my good hand fingers and the weakness in my tricep? i know it hasn't even been 24 hours since surgery but I'd really like to know. btw the surgery went well.

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 10:01 pm
by EllenB
Congratulations on coming through your surgery so well! I'm impressed you're back online so quickly.

My 16 yr old son John had the contralateral C7 done in Feb 14 '03, and one month later the doctor writeup stated "John's right side contralateral C-7 donor sites have improved. His triceps is half a grade weak, but otherwise, his function in the pronation, wrist extension, and finger extension is normal." The May 14th report states that his right side demonstrated normal sensation, with 4+ (out of 5) triceps strength which was continuing to normalize. Another followup in August stated that the donor C-7 site was completely normal, both motor & sensory.

I guess all that to say, seems that John returned to normal pretty quickly. Great improvement within the first month, and 100% recovery on that side within six months.

Hope that helps. Keep your chin up.


Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 10:30 pm
by Susana
I am glad you are back and it is over. I can't believe you are out of the hospital. I think they know you from last time LOL. Good luck!!

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 11:05 pm
by diargasm
Yea, I got out as soon as I could. My legs are starting to feel better and the numb feeling in my fingers isn't as annoying as it was yesterday. I guess I have to just wait a few weeks until things get better. Is it alright to wear a regular sling if the operation was for my axillary nerve? Right now I'm using this sling that wraps around your stomach. On top of all of this I have to return back to school to finish the semester which has only 5 weeks left.

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 2:53 pm
by diargasm
Will lifting my left arm above my shoulder do any damage to the surgery?

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2004 7:29 pm
by diargasm
Just 1 more question. Does anyone ever get that burning sensation when they step on their feet? How long does it usually take for the numbness to get noticably smaller?

Just a few minutes ago whenever I stood up, I got this huge burning sensation in my left foot and I don't know if I should be concerned. My foot is numb from the 2nd toe all the way to side.

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 1:27 am
by Susana
Yes, I had that burning sensation for about 4 weeks. It will get better I promise you.

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 7:06 am
by EllenB

John also had that sensation in his foot (I assume you had sural nerves taken out). It didn't take long for everything to return to normal, with the exception of a small quarter-sized section on the outside of his foot that will remain numb.

Do you use voice recognition software? If not, your typing skills are very good.

How are you doing now?


Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 9:48 am
by diargasm
No I don't.

I'm really getting paranoid that I affected my operation because the left side of my neck neck is really sore. Are these c7 cross-neck transfers very fragile? My bpi arm is immobile, but I am frequently using my weak good arm. Should I be worried?

Re: Just camw back from c7 cross-neck surgery...need help!

Posted: Sat May 22, 2004 4:54 pm
by EllenB
Hey -

If you're concerned about your neck, definitely give a call to your doctor - even today. John was immobilized enough there was no way he could have done anything to hurt the surgery - so I expect it's similar for you.

I think it's very good for you to use your weak good arm all you can - since that's the best way to rebuild strength.

Take care & keep us posted.
