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To all the mothers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 1:41 pm
by njbirk
I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and feel appreciated by your families.

I wanted to stop and take a moment to add my personal thanks to each one of you. Yesterday my thoughts were much about my own mother, who departed this world almost 6 years ago, before there was a UBPN and I got so involved in the organization. I have come to a lot of realizations over the years since, from all of you who share so freely from your hearts, about what it must have been like for her to raise me with this injury.

Since I cannot thank her, let me thank each of you for all those moments of caring and researching and worrying about whether you are doing the right thing. I rejoice with each of you over the minor and major joys that your children achieve.

My very best to each of you.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:29 pm
by admin

Thank YOU for doing such a great job with UBPN and for all your hard work. I hope your day was wonderful, as well. And the same to everyone on the UBPN board.

I am sure your mom would be so proud of you for all the wonderful work you do for moms who are in her same situation. You can't change the past, as we all know, but you certainly do help other moms and dads every day. This message board, the Outreach magazine and all the online info for schools, etc., has been of infinite value to me and to so many others. I can't thank you enough.

Blessings to you!

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:02 pm
by Karen Hillyer
from mothers on your side of the pond and on our side of the pond - thank YOU for sharing your life with us - it's VERY hearwarming to know that our children (for the most part) will grow up and be successful and happy despite the difficulties they must overcome with their bpi's
Thanks to ALL the adults on the board who help us to overcome our feelings of guilt and our worries about our children

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 9:19 pm
Nancy, How very true. You have done an excellent job with all of us...a big HOORAY for you and the rest of the MOTHER board!!! Shelley

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:00 pm
by Kath
Thanks for sharing your thought with us. I lost my Mom when I was 28 and never a mother's day goes by that I don't miss her. After finding ubpn I so wished I could share all of the information on my injury. Like you I honor my mother and really marvel at how well she dealt with my injury and how independent she made me and gave me wings to fly with.

I am grateful to all the Mothers who have shared so much with us. They have helped me to understand my own mothers feelings and appreciate her so much more. You have shared information and helped me to understand my own injury and seek better medical care.
Thank You

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 8:01 am
by Sue (Sarah's mom)
I'm sure your mother would be very proud of you and your efforts w/UBPN. I would like to thank you again for guiding us w/help in funding for college for my daughter Sarah. We never knew there were programs out there like that until you mentioned it. Thanks has helped tremendously. Sarah will start her last year of college next fall. How I wish my mom was still her to see how well she has done. Thanks again, Nancy.

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 7:50 pm
by admin
Dear Nancy,
I want to thank you too like the others, for what you do for all of us that come to UBPN. Knowlegde is power and we no longer feel helpless and alone.
Carolyn J

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 7:58 pm
by Carolyn J
Dear Nancy,
I'd just like to add my thank to you for all you do for all of us that come to UBPN. Knowledge is power and I and no longer feel helpless and alone. Support for each other is so healing!OUTREACH is awesome!
Carolyn J

Re: To all the mothers

Posted: Sat May 15, 2004 10:40 am
by Karen McClune

Thank you for your wonderful Mother's Day message.

I also lost my mom almost 7 years ago, and a day doesn't go by that I don't miss her. She never knew about Ryans injury, but I know she would of been there for us.

I also, want to say, THANK YOU for all you do for UBPN and for being the friend you have been, not only to our family but to all the UBPN families.

As you know my Mother's Day this year was extra special. It was great that Ryan had to come to Seattle to work and surprise me for Mother's Day.

This may be late, but Happy Mother's Day to all.

Hugs, Karen and family