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Capsulodesis Help

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 8:23 pm
by Jodi
My daughter Bailey (age 3) has been out of her capsulodesis splint for one week. She is very tight and it is getting difficult to get her back into the brace. What are others experiences???

Also she was splinted straight out to the side. (elbow straight) Does anyone on the board know of anyone being splinted like this? Thanks Jodi

Re: Capsulodesis Help

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 8:31 pm
by christy
we found the same with katie. We finally worked it out that she had her bath, went straight to sleep and then we just slipped the splint under and around her. It did create needing two again for awhie but we got a little longer time in but still was almost a week shy of doing the whole thing.

It is totally different with the caps..she is ready to put it back on and is even lifting her arm up into the basic position.

Hope this helps. Perhaps you could use moist heat pads to loosen her up before trying to resplint her if the bath / sleep doesn't work out.

Re: Capsulodesis Help

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 8:49 pm
by francine
Jodi - I think Christy has some really good ideas which I will hold on to as well when it's Maia's turn.

Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and hope that things get better for Bailey soon!


Re: Capsulodesis Help

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2002 12:05 pm
by Stacy in NM
Are you referring to the airplane splint? We had a little trouble with Natalie after she came out of her splint but warm baths and gentle massage seemed to help. You might also want to try some sort of pain reliever (prescription or otherwise) about an hour before bedtime. Our pediatrician gave Natty some liquid Valium that worked wonders. The dose was extremely low and we only used it once at bedtime. It just allowed her body to relax and all of us were finally able to get some sleep. lol Good luck!

Re: Capsulodesis Help

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2002 2:14 pm
by Jodi
Thanks for your replies. I think it is getting a little easier to get Bailey back into the brace.
Last night we did a lot of backwards pouring in the tub and then she got on her brothers infant swing. The swing worked great. She got on it and leaned back and held on the the bars back by her head. It put her arm in the 90/90 position like a lot of the capsulodesis splints. She kept swinging and swinging. She thought she was getting away with something because she knows she is not supposed to climb on her brothers swing. I am at the point now where what ever works as long as she doesn't get upset and I don't have to feel like a broken record.

Bailey also like to go to a door want and stretch out to where she can reach out and touch both sides of the doorway. This is great too. It is also something that she discovered on her own and she is excited that she can do it. Before to do something like this she would have to out lefty on one side and then reach the other now she can just reach out and touch both sides at the same time.
Since tis surgery she can also lift her arm up much higher. I think about 150 degrees.

Bailey has pool therapy tonight at 6:00 I hope that will get her arm stretched out for the brace. She loves the Pool. I also can't wait for her therapist to see her new tricks. Bailey is excited too.
Thanks Jodi