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Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:24 am
by Christopher
I don't know if anyone got a chance to see the amazing program on PBS ( ) about stem cell surgeries taking place in Europe for patients with spinal cord injuries and heart attacks. I truly believe the techniques and incredible recoveries that are taking place are totally applicable to BPI if worked in conjunction with the avulsed nerve re-implantation efforts that very few doctors (like Dr. Thomas Carlstedt in London) are pushing towards. Included below is a synopsis of what the Portuguese Dr. is doing for spinal cord injuries ( ). He had a young woman who was totally paralyzed below C7 moving her feet and standing up on her own six months after surgery, and she didn't get to him till six months after the initial injury. It was a truly amazing program that gives a great needed boost of hope to what possibilities lay ahead, I would like 'ahead' to be now, but it's better than never.

Check your local listing for the PBS progam Innovation: Miracle Cell, it aired April 13th at 10pm here in Los Angeles. I ordered a tape of the program, but it's going to take 4-6 weeks to get out. I hope some of you get to watch it. Mind blowing stuff!


Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 2:09 pm
by admin
Wasn't that an amazing program?!! I was blown away too. I had to miss the last half hour so I ordered the tape and printed the web chat......I can't wait to read it. I didn't know it took so long to get the tape?!@^%#^!! Our country is too far behind and has so many obstacles to what appears to be so hopeful to people like us and the woman they profiled.

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:45 pm
by hdcrash
that is awesome thanks for posting that

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 6:15 pm
by Susana
Christopher, thanks for this post. How do we get the tape?

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2004 7:26 pm
by Christopher
To buy the tape, go to the PBS site I listed (1st of the 2) and at the end of the 1st paragraph is highlighted in red 'get the video'. There you go.

I also had a chance to post 2 questions on the live web chat that the producers, American Dr., and one of the patients of the show hosted. The 2nd of the 2 is more pertinent to all of us all, but both are still. I'll list the link to the web chat and post my Q&A below. ... 041404.htm

Hollywood, Calif. from Hanover, N.H.: To Joy Veron:
-Ms. Veron, how did you discover the work Dr. Carlos Lima was doing, and how did you finally get selected to have him work with you?
I read about olfactory tissue of rats being used for spinal cord injury repair only less than a year ago, and the article stated it would be many years before this procedure would actualize. I wish you the very very best success, you are in my prayers. FYI - I have recently paralyzed my right arm, torn out 3 nerves from my spinal cord with no hope of repair.
Wonderful program as well!!!
Thank You,

Dr. Steven Hinderer, Joy Veron and Erin Chapman: I first heard about Dr. Lima from a friend in England. I then found out he was coming to the U.S. and was able to set up a meeting with him in Alabama. I then had to have different test performed to see if I qualified for the surgery. I first met Dr. Lima in November of 2002 and then had the surgery in July of 2003. Hopefully the United States will approve this surgery so we won't have to go to other countries to have it done.


Los Angeles, Calif.: Could the work being done by Dr. Carlos Lima in
Portugal with the olfactory stem cells potentially
work with peripheral nerves that have been
avulsed (like in a brachial plexus injury)? And
why isn't that kind of testing happening here in the
U.S.? Are doctors to fearful of legal

Dr. Steven Hinderer, Joy Veron and Erin Chapman: Yes it could potentially be used for nerve root avulsion - this has been done successfully in animals. The FDA has to give approval for this kind of research and is asking for more information and animal research before it will be allowed to be performed in the US.

Dr H.


Amazing thing is that if this is being succesfully done in animals, then that clearly means that there is a CURE for BPI and politics is preventing all of us and future individuals from the use of our ARMS!!! I'm curious if I'm the only one that this pisses off?

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:04 am
by admin
One thing I have wondered is why US doctors aren't doing reimplantation of avulsions? That is being done on humans in London but noone in the States seems interested at all, is it banned or political like the stem cell treatments?

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:13 am
by diargasm
Sounds great. I just hope that by the time they figure out how to re-implant the nerves back, it wont be too late for me.

And this does make me very upset. I find it funny & sad that politicians have no problem eating animals but they find it objectionable to use them for medical science.

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:38 am
by diargasm
oops... I wish I read that more carefully. I take that back.

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 8:53 am
by Lindakids
Do you think this could be done one day to someone that has had avulsion 9 years ago?

Re: Stem Cell Research and Recovery on PBS

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 11:56 am
by Karl w/ a K
Good stuff. This post brings up some very interesting questions. It always seems that new ideas that challenge conventional thought meet with opposition. Some would prefer to believe that the world is still flat. I take my hat off to the doctors, researchers, and countries that work through those walls. It's a shame that with the resources that this country has that we can't lead the way...Karl...