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Depositions - Ken's our lawyer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 1:18 pm
by Karen
Hi everyone. WE are getting ready to give our depositions and my husband is a little uptight that Ken's associate Vivian will be there and not Ken. I don't really have an issue because I understand this to be very common. My question is this... For those of you who have used Ken did Vivan or Ken represent you at depositions and if it was Vivian can you tell me how she handled things.


Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:00 pm
by francine
YOU are the consumer. If you want Ken to do the depositions then insist on it. Call and find out the exact details for your depositions.

Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:27 pm
by admin
I would not be so quick to take Francine's advice. Knowing the two of these personally, I would not say that it would be a bad thing. I have emailed you separately

Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyer

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 6:41 pm
by christy
I agree if you want Ken he should be there. Congratulations on getting this far! He is our attorney and the time limit is about to run out and he has yet to file...or return phone calls or emails.

Keep us posted.

Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyer

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 9:47 am
by admin
sorry for any confusion. Of course I will be at the depositions. Vivian usually comes with me, but I will certainley be there.

Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyerKen

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 9:54 am
by admin
while I would prefer to handle issues such as this more personally, as you are aware, I have been working to find a local lawyer who will work with us on the case.You live in an area where medical malpractice cases are so difficult local lawyers do not want to get involved. The first local lawyer I located you did not like so we decided not to work with him. Since that time I have been turned down by two additional lawyers and am currently speaking with a fourth.Also, your telephone calls and emails have been returnedby me or a member of my office. If you want to discuss this any further, it is more proper to contact me directly.

Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyerKen

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 6:56 pm
by christy
I agree that this should be handled privately and apologize. I don't normally take up arms and were it not for all the nasty stress levels here at this time I would not have done so on this. There are issues that we have addressed in my state, but I must say that we both agreed on the other attorney being the wrong one for us. Again I apologize to everyone for taking my stress levels to this forum.


Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyerKen

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 7:03 pm
by Lisa
could you tell me what area you are from? My son has a right BPI and we are having trouble finding a lawyer, maybe I can speak to Ken as well....Thanks


Re: Depositions - Ken's our lawyerKen

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 8:34 pm
by christy
Lisa; as above posts state, it really is best to handle this stuff in private emails. I have emailed you my state and included Ken's email address. I believe someone else has posted his phone number on another post regarding attorneys. You will find Ken extremely knowledgable in this field and I will be the first to tell you that this is a long hard process and it can certainly be an additional stress. But if you are like the rest of us, this stuff is so expensive that you have to seek legal help just to meet the therapy and any surgery needs of the kids.

Just of note--I think I misunderstood the first post post--I thought it was the depos of the other party, not the patient. To me, I don't really care who is there when we give our deposition (as long as they can be there to reassure)--the truth is the truth, we did nothing wrong and it would be the doctors and hospitals depositions that I would worry the most about.

I just can't wait to have this part of the ordeal past us so that I can move on and concentrate on the recovery from the various procedures and therapies. And please bear with me here (this has been a rough few weeks in post surgery recovery) but this injury stinks and it sucks the life out of us sometimes. Or maybe that is just my opinion today. Best of luck and feel free to email me.