Friend of Bill's

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Richard P
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Mar 10, 2004 3:07 pm

Friend of Bill's

Post by Richard P »

I am a 47 year-old accountant who has been torn regarding the pain meds I need to simply survive since I suffered a TBPI last August. I am a friend of Bill W's and I am very leary of taking any pain meds at all.
I am currently taking 3000mlgrms of Neurontin and the occassional Ultram when the pain gets too much. I do PT 3x per week.

My wife believes I am not as "quick" as I was before the meds, but, my work performance has not suffered.
Keeping busy has been very helpful and Finding this website has been a godsend.

I've been wearing a brace since the accident and people keep asking me how much longer. I suspect at 1cm per day it will be a while longer (I am 6'3" with an arm to match). I have also experienced severe "wasting" of the muscles in my arm.

I'm just glad to "kick this out there" to a group of people who understand. Thanks!

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Re: Friend of Bill's

Post by Lindakids »

My son had a severe bpi from an accident in 95. He is 31 now. He is also on neurotin and is reducing his amount gradually. He definitely believes that he is not himself on in and a little bit in a fog. I just read about that new medication called zonegran. It's suppose to help the pain much better. You might want to investigate that. We are going to. Good Luck!
Site Admin
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Re: Friend of Bill's

Post by admin »

I am about two years out from my injury. i had surgery in oct 02 which gave me great results. i stayed on the neurontin for about a year and wasn't sure if it helped or not. i have been off for quite a while and feel better. i was also on oxycontin 10mg three times a day, which seemed to keep the pain at a tolerable level but my husband said made me "out of it". i went off that too and now i am on anti-depressents and klonopin to help me sleep. I have pain everyday but i guess it's just something i don't think will ever go away and i might as well learn to live with. I also go to therapy 3x/week-just a note-i see an OT who does myofacial release and massage therapy that i feel has been as much or more helpful than all the exercises.
Your injury sounds pretty recent so just press on and believe it or not it will get better. You'll know when it's time to ween off the meds. I think just realizing you'll probably always have some pain is important-and only you know when you need meds.
Did you have an avulsion or a tear of your nerves?