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Latissimus Transfer + Post - Op

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 4:27 am
by sarmstrong806
I'm going to have a muscle transfer surgery coming up soon and I was wondering how post-op went for anyone who has had a similar operation. I was told about 4 or 5 days in the hospital, but was wondering about pain and any other issues.

I'm having this operation over spring break so I have a limited time to recover. I'll have a total of 12 days from surgery to having to go back to class.

Also, do you have to wear any extra stuff to keep your arm in place?

Re: Latissimus Transfer + Post - Op

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 11:04 am
by Karen Hillyer
Hi I know it's not quite the same injury as yours, but my son has obpi and had a latissimus dorsi transfer 2 years ago here in the Uk.
he had a cast on his arm to prevent his arm going back into internal rotation mode, and we came home from the hospital the day after the operation.
he had very mild pain relief to come home with (junior paracetomol) and he didn't bother with any more after got home.
He did get very tired easilly for about 6 weeks post op, but managed to continue going to school etc.
I hope that your surgery and recovery go as well as his did.