Minor pain/numbness

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Minor pain/numbness

Post by admin »

A year and a half ago I had an accident--numerous injuries. My left arm was numb and didn't function very well. I was told to wait and see. Several months later they decided my broken clavicle had not healed and was perhaps somehow rubbing on the BP, so they operated and inserted a plate and 7 screws to keep the clavicle in place and hopefully take pressure from the BP. A year later, my left arm still has dull pain and numbness. It's definitely not enough pain to take medication, and I have nearly full use of my arm--it's mainly a tingly, tired, heavy feeling. Do any of you have such minor, but irritating, symptoms? I really hate to complain when I compare my symptoms to others who are in terrible pain, etc..., but am wondering if this will go away?
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by admin »

It sounds like what I went though.They waited six months before the plates and screws were put in.The difference with me is that was two years ago and I still cant raise my arm.No one can figure it out. As for pain,I found that sitting and stretching in a whirl pool helps and also this shoulder "thermal heat"has done wonders for the pain.You put this on like a button shirt and it gives constant heat.
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by admin »

I guess I am lucky that I have such minor pain and discomfort and nearly full use. Shortly after my accident, I was only able to life my arm to about a 45 degree angle and it felt like it was asleep, similar to when you sit on your foot and it goes to sleep. For a while I didn't try to do anything with it because I was afraid I would injure something. Finally gave up on that and started using it as much as possible. I'm trying to get in to see my neurologist one more time...then if he has no ideas, I guess I'll call it quits. I'm just in a quandry wondering if it will get better/worse as time goes on...the doctors don't seem to know.
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by Susana »

Hi, guest

What is the shoulder thermal heat?


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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by Lorrie »

Hi, my injury was more serious - severed nerves etc. but no root avulsions. I went thru periods of bad pain but for the last 4-6 mths it has mostly been numbness, heaviness and tingling. Once in a while I still get the shocks. Im also one year post injury so don't know if these feelings will change or not. hope this helps.
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by patata »

Hi Loralie,

Almost two years ago, I was in an accident. I ended up in a lot of pain mostly in my head and back, but I had the tingling and pain in my limbs with weakness in my arm. I went to many doctors including three neurologists. They all seemed to either ignore the pain and tingling and focus on the headache or just the back, but never really on the limbs and what they categorized as minor lack of movements. If I questioned them, I was told it is just muscular or it will go away or it is not a major problem, etc. (Oh yea, I heard it is only your head, too.) Now, I am not really any better and take the pain drugs, but it seems like the problem is getting worse. For example, my forarms can get real bad and although my shoulder continues to be unstable, as time went on so were my elbows and wrist. It is rather strange. Finally, I am going to get help.

I have no idea why these doctors did not pick up on it. The only thing is that I have most of my movement (I think, but I was really inshape and flexible before the accident)and a lot of pain. The doctor that did my EMG made me realize that I have a lot of areas where I have movement, but no feeling. For example, if my biceps or triceps and some shoulder muscles contract, I do not feel it and cannot realize how much they have contracted or if they should contract more. However, I feel a lot of pain in the surrounding areas. Sometimes there is also intense pain in my hands and other areas.

I do not want to scare you, but based on my experience, it seems really important to go to a doctor that specializes in the brachial plexus and recognizes TBPI as a serious injury, no matter how minor the injury might seem. Also, I would never trust a neurologist again.

Hopefully, there is a brachial plexus doctor in your area or nearby that you can see.

Good luck
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by admin »

Hmmmm...I guess I thought the neurologist was the person to see for a TBPI...what sort of speciality am I looking for?
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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by Susana »


Look under the medical resources depends in what state you live or which Doctor you prefer to see.

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Re: Minor pain/numbness

Post by admin »

Okay, I'll do that--thanks. I guess I've never really looked at this whole website. I'll have to take a look around.