have a ? - this is scaring me!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by Tessie258 »

I would take her to her doctor for a check...or at least call and see what the doc says.
Donna (Colleen's Mom)
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by Donna (Colleen's Mom) »

Wow, Jennifer, I hope Peyton is OK. Let us know what TCH says.
Nicole M
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by Nicole M »

Our doctor called it a clunking sound that we should look for to see if Hannah's shoulder was dislocated. I would definitely call your doctor just to see. Also he showed us how to put our hands on top of her shoulders facing away from you and use your thumbs to feel between the shoulder joint and arm and if you felt a bump, then it could be dislocated. Another thing was to see if your child sat with one shoulder sticking out forward than the other. We are having an MRI done this week to see if Hannah's is out. I know what your are going through. It is scary! Let me know how things turn out. Hannah is almost 3 months post mod quad. Good luck!
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by TNT1999 »

Jennifer, do you have a local Ped. Ortho. you can see? I would definitely contact TCH and a local dr. to have it checked out as soon as possible, esp. since it's causing Peyton some pain. I'm sorry your cutie pie is having discomfort. Let us know what happens. Take care. -Tina
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by francine »

Jennifer, any news yet? I hope she's not in pain. Please let us know,

big hugs,
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by admin »

I'll keep Peyton in my prayers that all turns out OK. I'm so sorry this is one more thing you have to worry about.
Donna (Colleen's Mom)
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by Donna (Colleen's Mom) »

Jennifer, I'm glad to hear it is not dislocated. I hope it is not arthritis though. (((Peyton))) Hope the Motrin is helping her pain.
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Re: have a ? - this is scaring me!

Post by Tessie258 »

Yes I forgot about the pain when the weather changes! My son is a human barometer! One doctor said it was bursitis(sp)....I'm glad we live in AZ.
I hope she feels better soon.