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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:50 pm
by punchy sue
Alright- usually I avoid reading any of the posts about medications because the side effects scare the bejesus out of mE. I really want to talk about oxycotin though. It has gotten such a bad rap in the news because of it's addictive nature. I have one friend who is highly involved in it and is now going to a meth clinic to get herself off of it. I do use it and I think it helps curb the pain a little. I fought my doctor so long about getting on it, but he explained it to me this. Oxycotin is a time released form of basically vicadin (actually oxycodon). It gets a bad name because addicts take a pill meant for 12 hours, crush it up and snort it so they get the full potency all at once. I don't know if there is a point to this post except that I eventually want to get off of all medications. I just want to here some comments about oxycotin, if you do, did or have never used it. The topic seems to be taboo, so I just want some honest feed back.

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 9:00 pm
by lizzyb
Hi Susan,

Have never taken oxycontin or anything like it, but like you say, it does get bad press for a variety of reasons. Trouble with ANY painkilling drug is the possibility of misuse, and the notoriety that then follows. This unfortunatley affects us because some Drs are afraid to prescribe these drugs because of this notoriety.

Most drugs are addictive in some way or another, lets face it, but as long as the prescribing doctor sees you regularly for check-ups,and you are honest about how they make you feel, there shouldn't be too many problems.

Here is an extract from an article I found: "Research sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse has found that most patients on prescribed opioids will not become addicted. But they may become dependent on the narcotic, and will require a qualified physician for withdrawal.

For these patients, gradually decreasing the medication dose over time "brings the former pain patient to a drug-free state without any craving for repeated doses, "according to CSAT. The addict, though, "continues to have a severe and uncontrollable craving that almost always leads to eventual relapse in the absence of adequate treatment," the advisory states.

I always say that information is the key to everything with this injury; learn all you can about the drugs you are taking; discuss the side effects with your Drs and tell him/her if anything is worrying you. Always remember that each of us is unique and what works for one may not work for someone else.

Take care

Lizzy B ;0)

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:30 pm
by cbe411
I took oxycontin for about thnree months, and yes it was my BEST FRIEND! I t was the only drug that I found to even dull the pain! I was HIGH all the time and could not drive a car ut other than that I thought it was great for the pain! I was weaned off of it slowly over a months time and I was fine. I am sure that this can be different for everyone! Hope this helps!

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 7:51 pm
by Andrew
I to have used Oxycontin for more than two years now and found that it is the only drug that helps the pain. I know that it gets a really bad wrap because of its addictive nature but if its used properly it can be an incredible painkiller. I started out on 40 mg three times a day and now I am only on 20 mg twice a day. The one thing I didn't like was the way some have pharmacist treated me. At one pharmacy a pharmacist would not dispense anymore than 25 pills at a time to me until my mom explained my situation. I guess some people just assume i'm abusing the drug just because i'm 17. Anyway, I think anyone who is having trouble dealing with BPI pain should bat least try it. Never take more than has been prescribed to you or you become addicted to it.


Re: oxycotin

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:11 am
by Steve
My 21 yr old son, left BPI, from car accident 12/19/03 who is intense pain tried oxycodone (2) 5 mg every 4-6 hrs with no results. He is 230 lbs and was in Intensive Care with Brain Trauma and other injuries so I figure he is somewahat tolerant to the narcotics, my question is should we ask the doctor to up the amount (10 mg seems very little for a big guy who might be tolerant because of all the meds he had in the hospital ?? We have swithced to morphine which doesn,t seem to be working either (small dosage) and he is wearing a 75 mg Duresgic patch and is on Nuerotin (300mg 4 x daily ) for his head injury. He says nothing works and being 21 he is as stubborn as can be, any advice would be appreciated Thanks

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 7:08 pm
by admin
I've been on oxycontin for a while. and find it a big help. If this helps, I also was given a prescription for endocet, a similar product but short-acting, for 'spikes' ie times with more pain than normal, to use in addition to the oxycontin.
I agree, because it is a narcotic it can be quite difficult getting refills. Pharmacists have strict rules to follow that don't otherwise apply. I find leaving a renewal til the last few pills is a really bad idea - try to ensure you have a least a week's worth, in case of delays. (In Canada the pharmacy has to have WRITTEN authorization to repeat.) Good luck!

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 7:10 pm
by admin
oh yeah I forgot - the one thing I hate is that you can't have any alcohol or any other kind of 'stimulant' at all with these meds. I really miss having a few drinks now and then! Has anybody found any acceptable way to get a little high?

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 3:13 pm
by admin
I've been trying to get off oxys for about a year now. for anyone interested, it really is easier kicking it if you titrate (slowly over time reduce the amount) your doses. My doctor won't even write oxycontin anymore. So I found a place online who supplies me with 20mg and 10mg tablets. Iv been using these for a few months while greatly reducing the amount that I take. I"m shocked that my body has actually adapted to these lower doses. At first it wasn't so easy but I used a little valium or xanax, in addition to the first low dose, to help me deal with the initial wdrawl (I hate it and needed a little crutch). It's definately working. If anyonw would like to try this method the place I found online that sells the low dose oxycontin was

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 2:33 am
by admin
I'm not afraid to talk about oxycotin. I want to warn as many people as I can about this nasty dug because I wouldn't want my worst enemy to go through what I went through and am still going through.
I didn't even know what oxycotin was until I had a spinal fusion on my back. They took bone from my hip and my pelvis and tried to make me a new vertebrea because I broke L4 L5 S1 S2. For 9 1/2 hrs they operated on me and for 18mos. I was bed ridden and in so much pain I wanted to die. I don't know a damn thing about putting it up your nose but when I first went on it I was taking 20mg. 2xs. a day. After about 6months it didn't last 12hours. The doctoe kept moving up my dose. When I stoped taking it I was on 120mg. twice a day , a total of 240mg. a day. My doctoe never tolm me that when I stoped taking it I was going to go through the worst withdrawl of my life. He never told me it was not meant for long term use. My body wanted more and more of it and it lasted only a couple hours after about 2yrs. I even had that horrific surgery again hoping to get the pain to ease up, I didn;t know the pain was comming from the pills.
My doctor went on vacation and the doctor that took over for him would not re-fill my RX. I got so sick and had such a bad withdrawl because of the high dose he had me on that I ended up in the hospitol.
I am 47years old. I have two grown children and 3 grandchildren. I love being a grandma and I love my family. I hated the fact that so many people came to see me go nuts all strapped down and throwing up and aching like I had cancer and a million other things that happened that week.
Now I am in a methadone clinic and I will be in there for the rest of my life. My back can not be fixed and I will have to fight the side effects of this poision for ever.
Oxycotin was not made for long term use. They only give it for a short term to patients who are end stage cancer and terminilly ill. Doctors get a new drug and pass it out like candy. They don't even bother to read the long term effects it may have. And the funny part of this is a doctors oath says " First, do no harm " What a joke! Debbie

Re: oxycotin

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:53 am
by admin