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4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:54 pm
by JessicasMom
she's bringing her hand to her mouth with the back of her hand.
I realize she can not supinate yet, but I don't really understand why. Supinating is the only thing she can not do right now. Physically her arm appears completely normal -- except when she brings her hand to her mouth with the back of her hand. Otherwise, her hand functions perfectly, she can get her arm over her head, and her hand rests and stays in the neutral position.

Has anyone seen this with their child? Did it get better without surgery, and if not, what is the specific surgery to correct this?

Also, what is the reason for not being able to supinate yet? Is it that the nerve has not regenerated far enough to reach the supinator muscle or something else?

Any insight is greatly appreciated!


Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:04 pm
by Francine_Litz
supination doesn't come for a child (without any issues) until 11 months or so... in the "normal" developmental scale

make sure your therapists aren't PUSHING supination heavily because it's easy to dislocate the radial head... just an fyi


Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:06 pm
by Francine_Litz
read the article about supination here...

go to the home on awareness.... go to resources...and there's the article...

it'll help I'm sure...

Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:12 pm
by AnonymousParent
I saw this with my son when he was 4 months as well. I used to look at the symmetry of how he could turn his other hand to his mouth, but not his BPI affected one. He hit the back of his BPI hand on his mouth.

He's now about 15 months old and can get his hand to the neutral position, so he's still not totally symmetrical. He has improved significantly over time and it sounds like you'll see the same. It's something we're still working on with him in thearapy.

He's had no surgery and from what I've read, I don't think there is a procedure to address supination directly. If necessary for other deficits, the muscle transfer surgeries and releases put the arm in a more natural position, so the supination issues are not as noticeable.

Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:17 pm
by JessicasMom
She rubs her face like crazy with the palm of her hand of her non-injured arm, but rubs her face with the backside of her hand of her injured arm, I thought this was because she can supinate with her non-injured hand, but not with her injured (left) hand.

If it's not supination, what is the reason she only brings the backside of hand to her mouth and can only rub her face with the backside of her hand?

Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:22 pm
by JessicasMom
I forgot to mention that she holds her injured hand in her mouth with her good hand, so I guess there is still some weakness. However, if you were to observe her playing, you couldn't tell she had an injury until she put her hand in her mouth and you could see that she was using the back of her hand. Otherwise, her posture appears completely normal.

Re: 4 month old doesn't need primary, but . . .

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 10:36 am
by SarahB
Hi Michelle,
It sounds like your daughter is making great progress in just 4 months- which is so wonderful. From what I understand (and I am NO expert, just a mom) supinating is related to the bicep. Our therapists believe that our daughter can't supinate because her bicep is weak.
She is 9 months old and can supinate with her other hand and has been able to for the past month or two. Ask your therapists, they will be able to explain it better. Hope this helps.