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Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:23 am
by Patty and Mike
Was anyone else denied SSD? Does having BPI not qualify as a disability? Do we need a lawyer? Please help- we're running out of money.

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:15 am
by cbe411
I would definitly advise getting a lwyer for this! I was denied twice and am in the process of my second appeal, with an attorney this time! I live in MI and the waiting period for SSD hearing right now is about 25 months! Its a long process! Who knows if I will even get it! Talk with an attorney who specializes in SSD, mine gets no $ from me unless I win! Thats a plus too! Best of luck! Keep coming with the questions!

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 7:38 pm
by admin

I have been told by my daughter's OT therapist that unless you have 3 surgeries within 1 calender year you will be denied SSDI. According to her, she, several doctors and Bob Dole went to Social Security Administration about 5 years ago advocating on the behalf of BP injuries and their (Social Securities) ruling on the issue is you have one good arm-makes me mad!!!

I don't know if anyone else has heard this or not?

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:03 pm
This is cbe411's mom. We call ed Levine and Benjamin. They advertise on tv. I don't have the 800 number here at home but you can call the 800 information and they will give it to you. When you reach them, they will connect you with attorneys that specialize in disability denials, according to your closest to you. Good Luck! We're working hard at it. Shelley

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 12:35 am
by admin
most people with a recent bpi, including myself are depressed. along with your injury, the depression qualifies you for ssdi, seeing a clinician for depression should help you get SSDI. Ken

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:24 pm
by david wilson
Paty and Mike
As I understand SSD you mst have two arms, two legs or one arm and one leg to go in automaticly. With a TBPI you may still be eligible for other reasons including your BPI such as pain, meds, age and trainability IE education.
I was denied twice, normal, and have had my hearing with the judge in DEC. and am waiting for a ruling.I did get a lawyer that does SSD cases after my first denial as it helps to have someone in the club, lawyers and judges club that is, looking out for your interests so you don't shoot yourself in the foot. It is a long process that can take up to 21/2 yrs here in WV so don't expect any fast results. I was given the code for soft tissue injuries by a very nice lady on this site though I can not find the code or her name at this time as puter crashes and lots and lots of paper hamper my search. A good Lawyer will know the codes that aply any way. When I first spoke with my lawyer he told me about the time it would take and told me to KEEP UP THERAPY AND DRS. VISITS, DO NOT STOP YOUR MEDS as these are the keys to getting SS. It is also helpful to find a Dr that will be on your side as many feel that you can work through any thing, easy for them to say. I think they see some that over come the adversity with hardly a stumble and they feel that it is a mater of desire. They don't know what you feel so you know whether you can or can't. Hang in there

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:12 am
by rlaffoday
I was denied immediately and never reapplied/appealed. If your state has a Vocational Rehabilitation Department, PURSUE it! I did in the early 90's. They would've paid for my college, but I elected to take a quicker Computer Training course that they had (about a year long) and I got a job as a Programmer back then, rode the technology wave of the 90's and still have a great position as a result of the VR training.

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:08 pm
by herff94
I honestly can't think why we would get disability. I don't think of myself as disabled. I may not be able to to do a cartwheel anymore but I can still walk, talk and obviously type!

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 2:12 pm
by Dawna
I would consider TBPI to be a disability. Granted there are things you all can still do from before the injury, but there are so many things now that you can't do. I see those things on a daily basis watching my boyfriend. Also..... short-term disability only lasts so long. My boyfriend got it through his job (which he will never be able to do again) and that will be ending at the end of Jan. He is only 5 months into this injury and will be going through surgery after surgery for the next couple of years. How on earth is he supposed to go through training for a new career, find a new job, and then work knowing that he will have to take so much time off for these surgeries and recovery time. Believe me the last thing he wants to do right now is sit on his ass all day and collect about a third of the money he was making prior to his accident. He is miserable, plus it isn't easy on us that I'm the only person taking home a paycheck. We live together have several bills. This sucks. I read this posting and I'm scared that he too is going to be denied long-term disability, we haven't heard back yet. He is very eager to start a new career and to start working again, but he really can't due to all his up-coming surgeries. I'm definitely going to have to look into this further. Maybe it varies from state to state? I'm going to look into the Massachusetts info. ~Dawna~

Re: Problems with Social Security Disability

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:12 pm
by herff94
I didn't mean to upset you about your boyfriend and believe me its not easy. I had my accident 16 years ago @ the age of 17. I never made it to college or got to pursure my career choice, medicine but I wasn't going to let this injury take over my life. I didn't sit on my ass during my 10 years of recovery and my 8 surgeries @ Mayo Clinic; instead I took courses over the internet and looked beyond my orginal plans for life. I guess I looked at it as a challenge to prove myself and I kept saying to myself "this is my only chance in life and I will not sit here and cry all day". People need to make career changes daily for one reason or another. I don't mean to come across so hard but don't let it control your boyfriend. His injury is still so new and its takes time to get use to it. Its been so long for me that if they gave me back my arm I wouldn't know what to do with it. My boyfriend died in my accident and I keep saying to myself "I could be so much worse". Have faith, he'll find himself.