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Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 9:00 pm
by Patty and Mike
Hello. My boyfriend Mike was in a motorcycle accident on 6/25/03. He has a C5 root avulsion. This leaves him with no feeling or movement of his right arm from his shoulder to his fingers. His doctor (Dr. J Chao of Albany, NY) reccomends a nerve transfer surgery of the intercostal nerves. Mike and I have so many unanswered questions. Recovery time? How much function? What will function? If anyone can help. We'd really appreciate it. We're running out of time. Thanks

I apologize if you see a similar message to this- I'm new at this.

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 10:59 pm
by cbe411
I have emailed you personally but I am sure that you will find some other answers on here! Best of luck!

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:38 pm
by cbe411
Also check out this other website, its all TBPI! Its a great site with a bunch of info as well!

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 11:38 pm
by cbe411
Also check out this other website, its all TBPI! Its a great site with a bunch of info as well! Check out the message boards especially!

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:25 pm
by Karl w/ a K
I have been reading up on intercosal nerve transfers myself. Today I am flying to New Orleans to see Dr. Tiel. If all goes well, I will have a nerve transfer done. It involves moving the nerve from the rib and "plugging" it into the biceps. They use the intercostal and a few others to innervate specific muscles to give you some arm function. In my case I have triceps, rist and finger flexors working, and I need biceps and shoulder muscles. I will update you on recovery when I get back next week. In the meen time, start reading all the posts on this site that seem relevant. And keep posting your questions, you'll get more support here and the tbpi site than anywhere else. Tell Mike welcome to the club. I'm sure he's been through a lot since the accident. Let him know there are many of us out there. Good luck...Karl...

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2004 9:04 pm
by lizzyb
Hi Patty

I had intercostal nerve grafts 10 years ago following an accident which left me with all five nerves of the BP avulsed. I now have pretty strong biceps function. You can read my story on this link;
...hope this helps a bit. Please feel free to email if you want any further info

warmest regards
Lizzy B :0)

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:03 am
by Patty and Mike

Thanks for responding. It seems like the diagnosis we were told is wrong or incomplete because Mike has full movement of his shoulder. He can't move any other part of his arm, fingers, wrist, or hand. He did have an EMG. He attends OT 3x per week. He hasn't received any electrical stimulation. He gets pain mostly in his thumb (burning sensation). He's able to tolerate it without taking any pain meds- so far. We will be speaking to Dr. Chao tomorrow- We'll be able to find out his exact diagnosis then. Thanks again for the e-mail.

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:09 am
by Patty and Mike

Thanks for responding. I hope everything went well for you in New Orleans. How long ago was your injury? You're right about getting support here. We've already learned so much. Any knowledge gained helps. Thanks for the welcome. Thanks for letting us know we are not alone! Best of Luck! Keep us posted!

Patty and Mike

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 12:17 am
by Patty and Mike
Lizzy B

Thanks for responding and sharing your story with us. It touches on a lot that Mike thinks about on a daily basis. I'm sure you've inspired others with your story.

What's Horners Sydrome???

Re: Need info on root avulsion

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 1:50 pm
by lizzyb
Hi Patty and Mike...Horner's Syndrome is something that affects the eye on the same side as the TBPI. It usually indicates a severe injury to C8 and involves the sympathetic nerves.

In itself, it isn't a very bad condition; it just makes the eye look a bit 'funny' for a while. Most people get a kind of droopy eyelid and restrictions in the pupil together with dry skin on that side of the face. At first, my Horners was very noticable, but no-one can really tell now, except others who have or have had the same condition, and the Drs who treat this injury. A few of them have been known to miss the signs of it though!

Hope this helps..

Liz :0)