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Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 8:52 am
by Sandi
Ive had my BPI for over two years from a work accident.Since i have not improved,work comp. are sending me to Mayo clinic one last time to see if they can do anything for me.If not,comp wants to sigh me off. Since this is a lifelong injury,shouldnt comp be responsible for any future loses,etc??Anyone who knows anything about BPI and work comp laws,please respond.


Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:40 pm
by admin
If you have a work related injury, do not sign any papers or give into scare tatics. I would take this to court. You can pursue this in court. My sister is an attorney and she said that you can bring this up to them and either you keep getting workman's comp or you can go to court or both. They cannot drop you if you are going through a lawsuit. Consult an attorney. You can also contact a buisness attorney and see what they think.

Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 7:21 pm
by admin
Thanks for your response.Since your sister is an attorney,could you please ask her a couple questions for me.My big concern is,since I can do hardly any lifting,etc with the left arm,what happens when the right side is affected by this? Its happening already.Would that be considered an overuse caused by the BPI of the left? Im really scared of my future.My neck to is a big problem also.Please respond if yiu can.

Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 2:59 pm
by admin
The point here is I had a second injury to my erbs arm and seeing a lawyer is a Must that is a fact.There trying to scare you is true. You dont know what will happen to you so let your lawyer, deal with future medical expenses and there is a big point of settlement you need to go to court!Remember your the one that has to live with the injury the lawyers dont.Lawyers like to settle and move on to there next case they dont like to be tide up in litigation, Thats my veiw. There is a big point that was not talk about and that is your intitled to retraining and take it just dont settle because your scared get the facts.I gave you this advice from my experance only.I know that in time your Erbs will be better, just keep using it and dont give up, I know easier said than done but I live with ERBS to . I was born with Erbs and a second injury.But by far if you get it later in life makes it twice as hard. God bless

Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:53 pm
by admin
Again, it will not let me sign in, but this is Kathy. I received a bpi and was on work comp. It is true all states differ, so please check your state laws. In my case, we did settle, after I had reached MMI, but I am entitled to medical care for the rest of my life. The advice of an attorney is warranted. However, be advised they usually receive 20% of your final judgment. The company will usually offer you money to sign away your rights for continued medical care. Seek advice before you do that. Good luck.


Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:45 am
by charlottejenkins
my injury is from a workers comp injury.
my time with them has been7 years.they have paid for doctor says i will not i decided to close my case but wanted the understanding that they pay for all treatments.would i still get a lawyer never told me i would get a settelment.and i go to the doctors and theropy 14 times a month for the past 7 years.i would be interested in knowing if i am intiteled to any money.i should say my doctor does not want me to close my case,but with no money comeing in,i need a job.i have already lost everything i own.i have nothing,i need a job.

Re: Work comp.How long are we covered??

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2004 10:31 am
by admin

Please email me at
I tried to email you but couldnt get to you for some reason.