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Late Talkers

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 7:11 pm
by tina arvizu
Any of your little ones late talkers? Just wondering if it could be due to the bpi. The whole right side/left side of the brain thing. Gabrielle is a right handed, right bpi baby. If the left side controls speech (in most cases) maybe that would low her down. She has to use her right side of the brain to teach her left hand to do the things the right can't. Just wondering!!!

Re: Late Talkers

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 7:19 pm
by christy
Sorry Tina, we can't help out with that one. Katie is a rightie too but her communication was the only thing not listed as needing attention on her last IFSP with birth to three. She speaks very clearly for a 21 month old and the number of words in her vocabulary is tremendous.

My oldest child was slower in talking and he isn't a BPI. He more than makes up for it now (he's now 28 and some of the language that spurts out when someone messes up his kitchen (he is a chef)makes me glad I don't have to hear!)