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Ian is thriving!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 12:34 am
by Layne
I have not posted in quite a while, but i just had to brag... Ian is doing SO well after the Mod Quad. He can touch the top of his head, to some that is not a big deal, but he couldn't move his arm AT ALL before surgery. His internal rotation is gone and he has good supination. His poor little hand is still limp, his wrist has little strength and we have to keep a splint on him to help his little fingers not to curl, but all of this can be addressed in future surgeries. I just want to kiss Dr. Shenaq and Dr. Nath! They have worked wonders for my son, it just amazes me all the things that they can do now. I almost don't know what I would do if he had 2 fully functioning arms (not really of course), he is INSANE! He caught a cricket, pulled its leg off and was sitting with the leg hanging out of his mouth, grinning at me...all with ONE HAND. As the poor little one legged cricket hobbled away, I tried to catch it and was unsuccessful with 2 hands. Figures. My little man is just getting so big, and we are watching miracle after miracle happen all due to some great people who devote their lives to blessing these children. We have a lot of faith too, and I think that is what has carried us through the harder times. It is so difficult to turn your baby over to people who are going to cut them open, and you know the pain that will follow, but we are seeing the rewards and it has been worth it for us. I am thankful to all of you who have helped me whether you knew it or not, this is a great community and I am grateful that we have a safe place to vent and laugh and cry.

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:55 am
by admin
How great!!!! It's so good to hear how well they recover from these surgeries. My son has the mod quad at the end of october and I am scared to death. what if it doesn't work? what if it gets worse? should i have done this sooner? what if? what if? what if?
It was so good to read a success story. I know there are many, but it does the heart good to read about your son eating a cricket.

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:19 am
by CW1992
Glad to hear Ian is doing so well. He sounds like a character!:)

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 9:07 pm
by Francine_Litz
Crickets are quite tasty they say! lol lol

Layne - I'm so glad to hear this update about Ian. You sound so happy...well just SO happy!!

Enjoy this magical and wonderful time with your son when all these little miracles are coming out....

It's just wonderful news!!!

big hugs,

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:02 pm
by Layne
Do not beat yourself up over "what if's". Nothing good can come of that. As parents we can only do our best and our best is never perfect. It shows what a great Mom you are when you stress over the heavy decisions that lay before you. Our children are magical, you will always do the right thing if you follow your heart. I wish you the best of luck in October and will be praying for you. If it is any consellation, the Mod Quad is much shorter than Primary. and the scar is under the arm. The only thing that freaked me out at first was the drain tube... I had never seen one before, but then again... I am a total dork and things that freak me out usually don't bother other people! Keep us posted... If you need a one armed exterminator, just let me know! Crickets all over AZ are freaking out....

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:01 am
by Kara
Hi Layne,
I am "guest null" too. I posted that message from school.
Thank you for the encouraging words. HOW NICE!!!!
but did i see at all the crickets in Arizona... were at in AZ?
my husband is from tucson and i lived there for 4 years. what a gorgeous place!

Re: Ian is thriving!

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 12:01 am
by Layne
Kara, we are in Mesa. I am really tired of being hot!