My son Matthew is having the mod-quad on monday the 14 at TCH and it starting to kick in . Were still waiting for our insurance to approve it. Were all set with airline tickets with southwest and hotel reservations at the Hampton Inn. All we have to do right know is sit tight and wait. I also wanted to say THANK YOU to Francin for all the info. from your web. page it has help a great deal. With out it we would be sooo lost.
I am so upset,mad,angery at the doctors who did this to my son(crying) it just isnt far. My husband and I tryed for 5years to have another baby and for this to have happen is just not what we expected.We were supposed to have a healthy, normal dilevery. I'm sorry that I'm going on and on but I feel I need to just let it all out. My family does'nt seem to understand what we have been through and what we are going to go through after we come back from TCH. We have two
other children that we also have to prepare (12 and 8 years old) they also have been through alot.
Does any one know what happens to our airline tickets if they are not used on the day we were supposed to use them? What happens if our insurance does'nt give us approval? They said that all they were waiting for are notes from his primary doctor and his ortho. doctor.
well thanks for hearing me out i have to go matthew woke up from his nap.