Husband hurt at work...

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Husband hurt at work...

Post by admin »

Keep my hubby in your prayers. While at work (he works for the family construction business) he was hit on the top of his head with a hugh piece of asphalt. He had to get 2 staples and a CT scan. CT scan came back normal. Doctors think he may have a brain contusion. MRI was done at 2pm and results are yet to come. He was slurring his speech a bit and he is kinda in "slow" motion.
We were told that he should be just fine. I have to wake him up every 2 hours once he falls asleep.
That's all I know for now.
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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Allison »

Oh My Gosh Krista, that is awful. We will keep your husband in our prayers. I hope he has a speedy recovery. Keep your chin up.

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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Dean-na »

Krista that is awful. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts & prayers. Keep us posted on how he is doing. I tell you when it rains it pours.

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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by tcon »

Oh, I am so sorry Krista. You guys will be in our thoughts.
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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by m&mmom »

You and your husband are in my prayers.

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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by njbirk »

Hope it is not serious and that he is left with nothing more that a huge headache and that that goes away quickly too.
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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by mom_2x_2002 »


My prayers are with you and your family. I hope all goes ok with your husband.

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Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by Angie-D »

Your family are in my prayers. Please keep us updated.

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Joined: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:59 pm

Re: Husband hurt at work...

Post by admin »

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers! It has been a scary time for us!
Everything is okay now. His MRI results came back normal. He has "post concussion (sp?) syndrome."
He will go back to work next week. For now, he has to rest and relax. I am sure he won't mind doing that for a while. His staples will come out in 6 days.
It means a lot to me to see all of your kind words.
Thank you!