Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 8:05 am
These message boards are moderated.
UBPN strives very hard to enforce the message board policy which you can find by going to the following url on our website:
Our Board Moderators are all volunteers, and they have a most difficult job because they must interpret that policy and apply it to the best of their abilities. They act as a unified group and when an email is sent out from a board moderator email address, it reflects that unified group, so no individual board moderator is identified. For reasons of security and privacy, our moderators are not known to the general public. This will continue to be our policy in this matter.
Please continue to use the message boards to share information among yourselves, remembering that they have been provided for reasons of mutual support and that attacks either on individuals or upon this organization for enforcing its own policy will not be tolerated.
Nancy Birk
UBPN President
UBPN strives very hard to enforce the message board policy which you can find by going to the following url on our website:
Our Board Moderators are all volunteers, and they have a most difficult job because they must interpret that policy and apply it to the best of their abilities. They act as a unified group and when an email is sent out from a board moderator email address, it reflects that unified group, so no individual board moderator is identified. For reasons of security and privacy, our moderators are not known to the general public. This will continue to be our policy in this matter.
Please continue to use the message boards to share information among yourselves, remembering that they have been provided for reasons of mutual support and that attacks either on individuals or upon this organization for enforcing its own policy will not be tolerated.
Nancy Birk
UBPN President