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The Requested Camp Evaluation

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:10 pm
by originalanon-skooter-cane
Hi, I did not have time to fill out the camp evaluation form, as was requested. Therefore,in lieu of the proper form, please accept this. Overall, I personally would give the total camp experience an A++. However, for what it is worth, the following points were mentioned to me by several people and I agreed with them. Firstly, we felt that since the average age of the children was a very young one, the nightly activities lasted way too late. Secondly,a meal with an actual hunk of meat or fish would have been super.Thirdly,the wish that the memory books had been handed out much sooner, as many folks had already gone home by the time they were actually disbursed.Lastly,the thought that all board members were not introduced and some folks would have liked to put all their names with all their faces.Hope these thoughts will be pondered over for the next camp and shared with all the board members. Thank you, thank you to all board members and their helpers for a super job and a camp experience so great, that words alone, can not even begin to state.

Re: The Requested Camp Evaluation

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:33 pm
by njbirk
I'll be glad to send you an evaluation if you want to fill one out!

Thanks for the comments, and I completely agree with you about the food!

The scheduling is always difficult at camp because we must build the program around when our presenters are available, but your point about the kiddos and late nights is a good one and we will remember it in planning next time.

I did introduce our full board of directors at the Welcome on Thursday night and again on Friday night at the medical panel presentation. Not sure when else would have worked because those were the only plenary sessions early on. Sorry if you missed those times. We did try to identify board members with the different badge color. Maybe photos of board members in the program along with the names would help? But then, we don't want to draw too much attention to ourselves. We are all shy, retiring types ...

Good point too about the memory books.

What we really need to be able to do is stretch time. There is so much we want to present at camp and trying to balance programs with content and activities and a gathering each night that involved the whole family is always a challenge. And we want time and space for people to be able to meet and play in small groups.

Looking forward to the next camp!
