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HAPPY NEW YEAR...............One and ALL.......

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 10:52 am
Just wanted to take a moment to express how much all of you have meant to me over the past year.

I OF COURSE cannot find the words to express the love and admiration that I feel for you all, so I will just wish you all Health,Happiness and Love for the coming year. And assume you all know what an importatnt part you have played in my life.

There is a void that has been filled, a question that has been answered and an understanding brought to light.

THANK YOU AGAIN........for being my friends......

Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR...............One and ALL.......

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 10:08 pm
by admin

I don't think it could be expressed any better than I wouldn't even try.
Yes..a void has been filled...a question answered...
wonderful new friends found...finally a place to feel
as one.

Thank You..

Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR...............One and ALL.......

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 5:34 pm
by Judy-T
A little late , But happy New Year too!!!It is cold down here. Tina you must be thinking of Florida for it to be this cold.LOL when are you coming this way?