Pregnancy Update

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Pregnancy Update

Post by terri0320 »

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday. I have only gained 1 pound since the last visit. I go back on the 28. They are going to do another ultrasound then to check the size of the baby. I only have 6 weeks left and can't wait to have this baby. At the last visit, I asked the doctor about having a C-Section. He told me that it was hard to tell if one would be necassary until I actually went into labor. But I told him that I kind of wanted to have one. I delivered both my other 2 naturally and the only problem I had with either of them was the shoulder dystosia. My first child, my son, was lucky. He didn't have any injuries. My daughter wasn't so lucky. I don't want to chance another injury. But maybe I am just paranoid. That was one thing I asked before I started going to him was if he was experienced in shoulder dystocia deliveries. He said yes. So maybe he knows what he is doing.
I will let you all know how the ultrasound turns out.
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by admin »

I only have 1 daughter with BPI and let me tell you. If I were to have another one I would demend a c-section. No way no how would I deliver natural. Don't care how experienced the dr. is with shoulder dystocia. Can he guarantee 100% that there will be no problems?
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by JaimeC »

I'm going to have to agree with guest. No way would I deliver naturally. I know there are advocates out there on our board who would say to not jump so fast into a c-section, but I'm not one of them. My second child was c-section, and it was a controlled situation, with a peaceful, safe birth. I recovered much easier than my first delivery, which was "natural", and best of all - my second son WAS NOT INJURED!!! YEAH!! I told my new OB the whole gory story of my first son's birth, leaving out no details, including my injury, my son's injury and his lifelong disability associated with that horrible delivery. She agreed on the spot that we could have a c-section. She had previously mentioned inducing me early so we could have a smaller baby, but I adamantly said "NO NO NO!", and she agreed to do what I wanted. Terri, I don't think you're paranoid at all. Experience is fine and dandy...but I'm not buying it.
BEST OF LUCK to you!!
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by claudia »

When I went to tch for Juliana's primary surgery, Dr. Laurent told me "your next child has to be delivered by c-section before you go into labor." Mind you, Juliana is my FOURTH child and I had planned no more! And I said so! He and started an hilarious game of "what if you get pregnant by accident?" "but I won't"!!! With my hubby finally weighing in with "there won't be an accident or a planned pregnancy but if there were, we would do a c-section, but there won't be another baby!!"
Apparently, my children got successively larger-even my twins: the smaller one delivered first, which I knew, but never really thought about.

Stand your ground. As the doc if he/she really wants to take a chance? And what if you are not around? And, THIS IS MY BODY AND THIS IS WHAT I WANT.

I know, if I were to get pregnant (hahahhahahhaahhahhahahhahahhahah-never gonna happen)-I would only go with a c-section.

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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by admin »

I am pregnant with my second child and he is due in October. Before I even got pregnant, I had decided first on a new OB and second the new OB better be willing to do a scheduled c-section. There are too many risks involved and why even chance it. I would much rather my body be slow to recover that chance another injured baby. I will pray for your decision, but no matter how much they monitor you, you are at a greater risk for shoulder dystocia due to your history. This is only my opinion and I wish you all the luck in the world with whatever you choose to do. ALso congratulations on your pregnancy. One of the first horrible thoughts after the birth and injury to my daughter was the thought of not having any more children because not only was my daughter injured, but I had just gone thru the most traumatic experience of my entire life and I was also hurt. With this pregnancy, I am so much more emotional and scared with so many worries. But I am trying to stay postive...Again - good luck
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by Monika »

I agree with the previous responses. I too had a c-section with my second little girl & it was soooooooo great. Not only is my little girl uninjured but I don't have the guilt I still & will always have with my first. The doctor 'thought' my first little girl was getting too big & decided to induce me early to avoid a c-section (which was so much harder on the mom according to my Dr), not knowing the full extend of the risks to my baby I agreed. What a mistake. When I got pregnant again I discussed the possibilities of another injured child with the Erb's Palsy Specialist & she insisted that the risks where great & she had seen multiple injuries in single families--even when delivered by different doctors.

I'm also curious if you've checked out your doctors history yourself? versus trusting what he says? Are you allowed to have a video camera in the delivery, just in case he doesn't know how to "handle shoulder dystocia" & you need to sue the pants off him? And just one more thing, emergency c-sections are harder on the mom & the baby from what I've heard. Oh, what kind of guarentee is he offering, is it in writing & will he cough up the money for the surgeries, life-long therapy, travel, etc. if he's wrong and injures your baby? Or will he fight the lawsuit like so many others & keep on injuring others.

Sorry to be so morbid, but I should have insisted on a c-section for my first child like my gut feeling's said, but I didn't, I "believed" my Dr. & the guilt is at times unbearable.
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by Connie&Andrew »

I am also having another baby after my BPI baby. My BPI baby was my 5th child. When I got pregnant with this baby, my doctor was the one who recommended a c-section. We have a c-section scheduled for Sep. 3. Part of the reason I was so glad that he was so supportive with a c-section was the emotional toll of going through another labor and wondering if it was going to happen again. Since you have had 2 shoulder dysticias, I would make sure he knew your concerns. I wish you the best of luck. I know how you feel. It is such a stressful time. Let us know how everything works out.

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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by admin »


I too am pregnant and am debating the whole c-section thing, which I am almost certain I will be doing. Something doesn't sound right about the comment of not being able to tell until labor starts. Our bpi specialist specifically told me to get a c-section BEFORE labor starts since you don't want the baby descending and possibly getting lodged. He also recommended 2 weeks prior to due date. I just don't think you really want labor starting, just doesn't sound right and emergency c-sections are harder on mom and if doctor is rushing and doesn't make cut big enough and tugs on baby to get out you can end up with a bpi injury again.

It stinks to be in these shoes. I hate the thought of a possibly unnecessary c-section but I hate the thought of an injured child MUCH more. Best wishes.
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by tcon »

I , too am pregnant again. My C-section is already scheduled. I weighed the pros and cons with my new OB/GYN and we, together, deciced that a c-section was a better choice for me. My BPI baby was 9lb 13oz so even if I was induced 2 weeks early my chances of having a 9lb+ baby are still great. Plus I believe that being induced was a huge factor in my duaghters BPI. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. I am jealous you only gained 1 lb this appt!!
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Re: Pregnancy Update

Post by Kristie »

I am not sure that you were looking for advice via your post but since everyone has jumped in I will add my thoughts as well. Especially since I appear to be a discenting voice.

IF I were to have another child I would consider a vaginal delievery. I think it is a very individual thing! None of us went through your previous labors and delieveries.

I don't think you are paranoid especially if both your previous children had a shoulder dystocia occur. Honestly reading what you wrote your doctor said would make me uncomfortable. I suggest asking your doctor more indepth questions regarding how he would handle a shoulder dystocia- ask him to explain each step he would try. Also talk to him more about a c-section.. explain why you would rather face that than an a possible Brachial Plexux injury. Be sure to find out the risks of a c-section because they have risks too.

Most of all try to enjoy your last few weeks with this wee one inside you... it is a precious time that you can share with your child and no one else can.

Many Blessings,