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Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:04 am
by admin
HI All, Although I have been forced, for legal reasons, to not post, as has been my custom for almost five years, a matter has come to my attention and I feel that I must ask for your help. Please, please join me in getting out your checkbooks and making a donation to UBPN. Due to the poor economy, high unemployment and other factors, most non profits, including UBPN have experienced a decline in donations. Especially with Camp right around the corner, it is important for all of us, who have not recently donated to UBPN, to do so right now. Please write out a check and mail it to to United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc.1610 KENT ST.- KENT, OHIO- 44240. No amount is too small or too large. If all of us, mesage board readers would give only $10.00, just think what the total amount would be. Higher amounts would help even more. Please note: I am not on the UBPN board nor even on a UBPN committee. I am only a UBPN taker. For many years, these boards and the old Lester Erb's boards have helped my family with our BP child as has Bridget's Outreach magazine. We have had a means to share, to give and get support and to have people around that truly understand our unique BP injury.Our hearts are filled with so much gratitude as I'm sure yours are, also. After you have mailed your check to UBPN, please take my hand and join the giving circle by posting a message saying, " I gave to UBPN today." Wouldn't it be great for so many people to give and post that this, combined with the two other UBPN message boards, became the longest thread of all.We could call it our, Donation With THanks thread.


Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 9:55 am
by admin
I just wrote out a check to UBPN and put it in my mailbox. Am I the first to take your hand and join the " donation with thanks circle" ? I do not think that it is necessary to sign our names to the post.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 1:39 am
by david wilson
Any chance of getting an apeal from Francine? If UBPN needs donations I will do my part.
David ''Red'' Wilson


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:08 pm
by athos
Is it possible to donate over the internet with credit card? I tried to do so by clicking "supporting ubpn is easy", but it doesn't work. Can I donate that way?


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 9:47 am
by njbirk
I was hoping to address this issue in a President's Column but my time has been completely swallowed up for the last two months with preparations for camp and the next issue of Outreach.

I would like to reiterate to all on these boards that UBPN is composed entirely of volunteers. We have no paid staff whatsoever. Our board of directors are all performing a myriad of functions on a daily basis and in many cases, using their own finances to do so.

We exist entirely on donations. We have tried to pursue grant funding and corporate funding but have found that we need to be in existence for a longer period of time before pursuing these funding sources. We also need to continuallly show the IRS that we have broad support, nationwide, from our consituency.

Outreach goes out to almost 3500 people. We have a full camp planned in the next week. Our statistics of website usage continue to climb exponentially. Clearly we are reaching an audience hungry for information about brachial plexus injuries. We have so many things we would like to pursue, but are hindered by finances and esp. by time/volunteers.

One way that everyone can help us is to make sure that you send us any address change you may have. When Outreach goes out, we send it bulk as a non profit organization, this saves us postage. However, in order to keep that non profit status with the US Postal Service, we also need to have "Address Service Requested". That means if the address is incorrect it is returned to us, with either the new address marked or an insufficient address marked (if a forwarding has expired). These cost us $.70 per return. I would estimate we have between 5-10% returns each mailing. So we incur the intitial cost in sending out the Outreach and then have to pay for it to be returned as well. AND you don't have an Outreach in your hands.

SO ... this long story is to ask that, even if you can't make a contribution to UBPN, you keep us informed about any change in address and help us to keep our costs down. Email any changes to

Thanks much and I appreciate the original poster of this thread for bringing this topic to your attention.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:49 am
by admin
Would you people have an intrest in selling the UBPN to an east cost sponsor. A well do individual that would fund it him self?



Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:50 am
by Mary1
Would you people have an intrest in selling the UBPN to an east cost sponsor. A well do individual that would fund it him self?



Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 10:59 am
by njbirk
I don't know if this is a serious question or a joke, but regardless, the answer is, of course, no. UBPN is a 501c3 non profit organization and is not, nor can it be, for sale to anyone.



Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 2:32 pm
by athos
I wanted to make donation over internet with credit card. Is it possible?


Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2003 3:20 pm
by Kathleen M

Here is a link to make donations on line - I did not even know it was on the website...
Thanks for asking,