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How long has it been since you had therapy for your arm.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2001 1:57 pm
by Kathleen
I was just wondering...

How many adult/obpi are in therapy now!

What type of therapy are you getting?

How did you end up going to therapy? Did the doctor send you or did you request it?

I am going back to formal therapy again. I went to therapy 3x a week starting October 2000 until April 2001. My treatment in therapy was for both arms. It was the first productive therapy I have had since I was a child. Each time I went to therapy my therapist had no experience with "Erb's Palsy" and once the person was such a poor therapist she cause more injury...

I have had massage therapy and myofacial release and also used a Chiropractor.

The PT I use now is great. I gave him information on how this injury happened and Awareness information from the parent's portion of the Awareness material. He even got the diagrams of the baby. ...LOL... But he was receptive and was only interested in getting the best care for my arms. It was a good experience for a change. ahhh nothing like a man who listens...LOL...

How about sharing your therapy and therapy experiences with all of us....


Re: How long has it been since you had therapy for your arm.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2002 9:19 pm
by Sharon
Hi Kath, I found in my baby book a pamplet on infintile parlysis. This was probably the closest thing mom could find that related to my obpi, so I imagine she did some rom but I don't remember it and I was never encouraged to do exercises. I was a very active child anyway, always doing somthing (except cartwheels LOL)

When I did find a dr who knew what was going on he had me put a bar up across the doorway and hang with just my tiptoes touching. Stretch that scar tissue he would ssay. Of course I didn't have a clue then what he was talking about. Also he wanted me to stand with my shoulder against the wall and make a cirlce with the obpi arm. I told him he was nuts, it wouldn't do it. "Do it anyway" This was my old osteopath who helped my headaches so much and discovered my pituitary was prob injured somewhat and he "lifted a plate or whatever up so the pressure was not as great. This was when I could not even get out of bed. I still have constant headaches but in some small way he really halped. By the way, I used him as a standby for when I'm really bad, he passed on a couple weeks aga. Kind of scarry now that I con't fall back on him.

He also had me give myself V-B12 shots, sure helped the concentration and energy. Now noone seems to think they are necesssary.

During my thirties, I did my arobic exercised (the ones I could) on a daily basis. I should have never quit.

The only exercises I have learned about (ROM) is from the message boards.

I also have a friend who is a massage therapist and a sacral cranal therapist. The cranial works best for me. I'm still trying to figure out if my arm causes my headaches to be worse or if my headaches cause my arm to be goofy and hurt worse.

Chiropractic never helped much but I've had two good of fashioned osteopathic dr who did. Both are gone. Hummmm I better not ttell that to other drs, they might think I'm a jinx. LOL I see an osteopath now but she is afraid to do adjustments for fear of my osteo might do whatever. I tell her to go for it, I know it just might give a little temp releif.

I see I'm not the next oldest obpi anymore. Someone posted who is 57. I thought 54 was bad enough, but I have always gotten along with "older" people. LOL
Later, Sharon