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Northern Calif. Picnic News

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:25 pm
by Joshua
Hello Friends,

It is Friday afternoon and I know that some of you will be driving tomorrow so I just wanted to send you all a little message of thanks before the picnic. I'm simply amazed at the great responses I have gotten since I started this project and I believe that the turnout will be large. There are at least 15 families coming from as far away as Fresno, San Jose, Sonoma, Mendocino, Oakland and San Francisco. There will be 2 adults who have lived with OBPI and from my talk's with them I believe that they could serve as great role models for our children. There will also be several friends and therapists there who have worked with our children and are respected and admired for their work. My only fear is that there won't be enough time on Sunday for me to be able to get to know you as well as I would like to. I hope we will be able to continue to come together into the future. I thank each and every one of you who will be at the picnic and those who couldn't make this year.

UBPN (United Brachial Plexus Network)
I am not yet a member of UBPN and the Northern California Brachial Plexus Injury Picnic is in no way affiliated with UBPN. I must, however, thank UBPN and many of it's members and directors for their assistance in making this picnic possible. I have copied some of the very informative pamphlets produced by UBPN in English and in Spanish and I will make them available at the picnic to anyone who would like more information about brachial plexus injuries and the UBPN organization. You may also want to visit the UBPN website at: for information, support, friendship and conversation with people throughout the world who also are dealing with BPI issues.

Thanks also to Francine Litz and her website: for listing this event on the internet and for all of her information, insight and support to everyone she is able to reach.

Drive safe my friends and I'll see you on Sunday!
Joshua, Antoinette, Kayla-11 and Tenaya-8 OBPI

Re: Northern Calif. Picnic News

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2003 9:52 pm
by Kathleen M

Enjoy your gathering it sounds so exciting. It is such an important support for children to meet others who share their injury and also for parents to be with those who truly understand all of the many day to day issues you face.

Thanks you for the kind words for UBPN we truly try our best to support those people and families impacted by bpi injury. I am glad that we were here for you. I know UBPN made great changes in my life and medical care.

On a side note as an adult/obpi I wish all the adults coming to your picnic a great day. If they have never met anyone with their injury before it will be very emotional... I meet my first two obpi/adults almost three years ago and now we are friends. Invite them to come to the message boards.

In Touch Chairperson

Re: Northern Calif. Picnic News

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2003 11:23 am
by Susie
I just wanted to thank Joshua and Antoinette for coordinating a great family picnic!! I really enjoyed meeting all the other families from northern California.
