Pronator Transfer

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Fri May 31, 2002 9:59 pm

Pronator Transfer

Post by elizabethdh27 »

My daughter Mehgan 3, will be going to Houston August 4th for a pronator transfer to her left arm, of course OBPI. Dr. Shenaq will be doing the surgery and I have faith in him,What worries me is that her elbow is also dislocated the type that is not recommended to do anything with, right now during therapy we can supinate it for her and she can use her other hand and do it herself without hurting but I'm unsure what to expect they told me that it's a fairly simple surgery but the therapist told me she need to stay in the splint for 8 weeks 24/7 then 4 weeks at night, longer than when she had the mod quad. When we took the splint off with the mod quad she would cry the cry when you know she is hurting and point to her elbow. I plan on talking with them about my concern but,Can anyone give me a little insight? Thanks Alice and Mehgan.